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NATE ROWLAND WIPED the sweat from his forehead and looked at his watch. Time to leave and meet the incoming vet.

He took one last glance at the interior of the reception area of the inn he and Josh were transforming from an old by-the-hour motel, then locked the door and headed for his pickup truck.

He was the designated welcoming committee. Josh, who owned the cabin, was in Denver, and Clint, the second vet who had been in residence at the cabin, was completing a law enforcement training program in Colorado Springs.

Nate had volunteered before he learned the new occupant was a woman, and an officer at that. Officers didn’t bother him much. The woman part did. He’d made an art of avoiding them for the past four years. Burned once, her fault. Burned twice, his fault.

Josh’s cabin seemed to have come under a spell. First Josh. Then Clint. After moving in, Josh had gotten married, and now Clint, the second occupant, was more or less engaged. Hopefully. Nate had never been superstitious, but damn, there was something about that cabin that brought even the most marriage-averse people to the altar.

He looked around the freshly painted lobby—warm sand tones with a huge oak beam reaching across the arched ceiling and a stack-stone fireplace. He was more proud of the inn than anything he’d previously built. Josh had provided his own money and a bank loan and turned Nate loose on design. They’d stretched every penny a yard long. The furniture was coming from a firm going out of business, and it was quality at a low price.

All they needed was guests.

The preview opening was scheduled in seven weeks, which was why Josh was in Denver. He was making the rounds of the state tourist association, tourist publications and newspapers. They were offering complimentary three-night stays to anyone who could help them promote Covenant Falls.

He glanced at his watch again. He wanted to be at the cabin at 8:00 a.m. The newest vet was expected between nine and ten. He’d stacked wood for the fireplace yesterday, and he knew that Josh’s wife had stocked the kitchen.

He locked the front door of the Covenant Falls Inn and drove to the cabin. The mayor, Josh’s wife, called it the Rainbow Cabin. She’d fallen in love with Josh there, almost, she said, from the moment she had seen him. The same thing had happened to Clint when he’d met the town veterinarian.

Josh had said the new resident was a military nurse, a lieutenant. All he knew was that she had been injured and had PTSD. She would be the first female veteran in town, and he wondered how she would fit in, particularly at the Monday-night poker games. But he would do his part in making her welcome. He fervently hoped she was plain and obnoxious.

The cabin was spotless. Someone, probably Eve, had placed flowers in vases on the dining table and on the table next to the sofa. There was a platter of Maude’s sweet rolls in the kitchen.

He made a pot of coffee and walked outside to the porch swing. It was a fine April day with a cool breeze and bright sun. He thought about the day he’d met Josh, when he’d hired him to replace the floor on the cabin. His life had changed dramatically. Even the town had a new vitality since Josh’s arrival. Clint added his own impact.

Nate wondered if this military nurse would also rock the Covenant Falls boat.

He was looking at the lake when an old Volkswagen turned into the driveway. Yellow. And not old, but ancient. A relic, really. His gaze followed its path until it stopped. He stood, opened the porch door and went out to meet the new resident.

She didn’t move. She just sat in the car looking at the cabin. A dog sat protectively next to her. Then, as he reached the car, the driver opened the door and got out. Reluctantly, it appeared.

His worst fears were realized. She wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous. Not in the accepted sense. But she had a quality even more dangerous. She was slender, even gaunt, but her face was something out of a painting. Strong lines and jaw, with striking, haunted light gray eyes that dominated all the other features.

Nate realized he had been staring. “Lieutenant Stuart,” he said, holding out his hand. He tried to steady his voice even as he was affected by the ethereal sadness in her. He noticed her left hand was in a leather brace.

“I’m Nate Rowland, your welcoming committee,” he said. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll show you around, give you the keys and answer any questions.”

She nodded and took his hand, but there was no heart in it. “Thank you. And it’s not lieutenant. Not any longer. I’m just Andy Stuart.” She turned, and the dog, outfitted with a service animal’s coat, jumped out and stood close to her. “This is Joseph. We’re just getting to know each other. I was told he would be welcome.”

“More than welcome. This is a very dog-friendly community,” Nate said. “Can I get your luggage?”

She hesitated, and he sensed that she was reluctant to take any help. “I don’t have much,” she said, “but perhaps you can help with Joseph’s belongings. He has more than I do.”

She waited while he opened the trunk that was filled with dog food, a dog bed and a cardboard box full of dog dishes, toys and a leash. She was right about her luggage. He saw only a medium-size duffel.

Only too aware of her presence, he picked up the dog bed and the big sack of dog food while she reached for the duffel with her good hand and used the wounded fist to slam the trunk closed. Then she followed him inside. He watched surprise spread across her face as she took in the comfortable interior. “It’s very nice,” she said after a moment. “Are you the owner?”

“No. Just a friend of the owner.” Nate placed the dog bed in front of the living room window and, still holding the dog food, led the way into the kitchen. “I made some fresh coffee, and the owner of the town’s diner sent over some sweet rolls. They’re great. The owner’s wife also filled the fridge. You’ll find a couple of casseroles and cold cuts along with bread, eggs, milk and sodas.”

“Thank you,” she said. It was politely said with little emotion.

“There’s a bathroom next to the master bedroom down the hall. There’s also a second bedroom that’s mostly a library now. Help yourself to any of the books. There’s a desk in there, as well.” He paused, then added, “As for town, you probably drove through it. There’s a general store, grocery, hardware store and pharmacy there, along with Maude’s Diner. The food is very good, especially the steaks, and they’re easy on the wallet.”

She nodded. “I’ll remember that.”

She was scarce with conversation, but that was all right. So was he. Usually. “How long have you been driving?” he asked, strangely reluctant to leave.

“Since midnight. I like driving at night and dawn when there’s little or no traffic.”

He suspected it was more than that. Depending on the severity of PTSD, late-night and early-morning driving had fewer distractions.

“That car looks like a real collector’s dream,” he said, probing for more information, even as he knew he should be leaving. And quickly. She was distant.

“The Bucket,” she said with the first hint of a smile. “She’s been with me fifteen years, and she was pretty ancient before that. I’ve nursed her back to health more times than I can remember, but she’s a tough old lady. I couldn’t leave her behind.”

He mentally filed that information. Nursed back to health? The car? Was she a mechanic, too?

He was lingering. He had intended to say, “Hello, here’s the keys and goodbye.” He gave himself a mental kick. That was exactly what he should do.

“I’ll leave you to get some rest,” he said. He took out a sheet of paper he’d prepared. “My number is there, along with several others you might want to know. The veterinarian. The town doctor. Josh Manning, who owns the cabin.”

She nodded.

He handed her the keys to the cabin, then leaned down and scratched the dog’s ears. “Joseph? Of the many-colored coat?”

“It seems to have been the inspiration. I had nothing to do with it,” she said defensively.

“He’ll have a lot of company around here,” Nate said. Damn, he was rambling on, but he didn’t want to leave her alone. There was something broken inside her. Her voice was soft, Southern, but it carried no strength, no conviction that would be expected of an army officer.

He was nearly undone by those haunted gray eyes. They were framed by brown hair that fell to her shoulders, a simple style that he thought was probably for utilitarian reasons rather than vanity, although it suited her. She wore jeans and a simple white T-shirt and looked to be in her early thirties.

He suddenly realized he was staring. “I had better go,” he said. “The television is satellite and has a lot of stations available. There’s a path just to the left of the cabin that goes up the side of the mountain. There’s some great views there.” He cocked his head. “Anything else you would like to know?”

She shook her head. “It’s far more than I expected.” She hesitated, then added, “Dr. Payne said there might be something I can do to pay for the use of the cabin.” It was a question more than a statement.

“Is there anything you like to do?”

“I’m a surgical nurse. Or was one before my hand was damaged. I don’t really know anything else.”

“I’m sure Josh and Eve will find something if you’re interested. Eve’s uncanny in ferreting out talents.”

“Dr. Payne said she’s the mayor?”

He grinned. “And a damn good one.”

She nodded, obviously absorbing the information, then went to the door. “Thank you for the welcome,” she said.

It was an obvious dismissal. “Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything or have questions,” he said again as he walked toward the door. “Covenant Falls is very safe, and the sunsets are great. Oh, and every Monday night we have a meeting of vets. Seven p.m. at the community center. It’s right at the end of this road.”

“And play poker?” Her lips eased slightly into an almost smile.

“You heard about that?” Nate said with a grin. “It’s just penny ante. But we enjoy it. And we’re happy to have new faces.” Particularly a pretty one, he suspected. He kept that thought to himself and hurried on. “You can bring Joseph. Josh always brings his dog, and everyone has gotten accustomed to having him there.” He headed for the door. He had already stayed longer than necessary. He forced himself down the path to his pickup.

As he opened the truck door, he glanced back. Andy Stuart was watching as he left. Slim and straight and still, she looked like a statue.

He started his pickup and headed toward Lake Road. He swore to himself. Dammit. Why couldn’t she have been gruff and rough and thoroughly disagreeable? Instead, she was soft-spoken and appealing. More than appealing. He suspected the haunted gray eyes would stay with him. It was something he did not need at the moment. Or ever.

Hell, he had always been a sucker for a damsel in distress. That particular weakness had nearly destroyed his life. He’d sworn it wasn’t going to happen again. He had a chance now to rebuild his career, and he damn well wasn’t going to let anything, especially a woman, risk it.

He was going to stay away. A long, long way away.

* * *

ANDY WATCHED HIM drive away, then turned back to explore the cabin.

Her first impression of the cabin was warmth. Someone had loved this cabin. And that made her ache inside. It was just like the home she and Jared had planned to buy. A large living area with expansive windows, hardwood floors and a huge fireplace.

She went into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee from the electric pot. Mr. Rowland had put out a cup and bowls of sugar and creamer. She liked her coffee black, and the stronger the better. She had become addicted to it in college and later during long hours in operating rooms.

She took a plate with two rolls outside and returned for the coffee. She didn’t want to risk spilling either one with her bad hand. She sat in one of several chairs on the screened porch and ignored the swing. Joseph followed her and sat at her side and regarded the roll enviously.

Andy couldn’t help but smile as the dog’s tongue lolled out the side of his mouth. She steeled herself against getting too attached to the dog, but she had to admit he was growing on her. She couldn’t resist giving him a piece of roll.

She looked out through the pines to the lake. The sky was impossibly blue against the mountains, and a cool breeze was refreshing. The scent of pines perfumed the air.

For the first time since she set off on this journey, she relaxed. Maybe this had been a good move, temporarily anyway. She liked Nate Rowland. He hadn’t pushed but made her feel comfortable in a strange place under strange circumstances. He was lanky, like Jared, and had a warm smile.

Grief filled her as she saw Jared’s smile again, slow to come but then widening until it filled her heart. It was as real today as it had been seven months ago.

She felt the darkness descending again. The despair. Joseph nudged her, and she stood, remembering what Nate Rowland said about the mountain. A walk. Fresh air. That was what she needed. She looked up and saw the path he had mentioned.

“What do you think, Joseph? Should we try it?”

Joseph wagged his tail eagerly.

She silently admitted to doubts. Her hand would be no use if she needed to grab something. But the path was there. Taunting her. Inviting her to leave her safety zone.

She could hear Jared now. Go for it.

A breeze brushed her face, as if he were there next to her.

She started up the path. Joseph went ahead of her but kept looking back to make sure she was keeping pace with him. She didn’t realize how out of shape she was. She hadn’t run since Afghanistan.

She was breathing hard when she reached what was obviously a lookout. She paused and looked out over the town of Covenant Falls. It looked like a toy town from here. The lake appeared an even richer blue. On its border was a large park with a beach, gazebo, swings and a large rambling building. Four church steeples were also visible. The main street was the only one that looked busy.

A peaceful town where everyone probably knew everyone. It wasn’t what she and Jared had planned. He’d been a top surgeon specializing in traumatic injuries. He had already been offered positions in several practices in Chicago and Richmond, Virginia, at the end of his service commitment. Richmond had been her hope, but she’d suspected Chicago had been his.

Nor was Covenant Falls anything like the mining town where she had been raised. That town had the scent of poverty hovering over it. Hardscrabble houses and bare yards. There was always the smell of coal and dust and the sound of heavy machinery.

Joseph made curious little noises in his throat and licked her hand. “Sensing something, huh?” she said. “But I’m okay. Really, I am.”

He looked at her with those clear blue eyes. He seemed to be saying, “I’m here now. You’re not alone.”

Not alone. Then, why did she feel she was? Nate Rowland seemed nice enough. But he was a stranger, and she intended to keep him that way.

He’d looked Western inside and out with his hard, lean build, plaid flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, worn jeans and boots. His hair was a little long and looked as if it had been combed with his fingers, and his eyes were a cool hazel. His hand had been hard with calluses.

Jared’s hands had been so different. His fingers had been long and smooth and supple, as if designed to perform the most delicate and precise surgery. His dark eyes were always intense...

Don’t! Don’t do this! She filled her lungs with fresh air and the rich smell of pine. She swallowed hard. Joseph nudged her again, and she reached out and scratched behind his ears. He was a dog. A smart one, but could he really read her mind?

She hadn’t had a nightmare or panic attack since the third night at Karen’s ranch, but then that had been only a few days ago. Her problem was she never knew when they would strike. That uncertainty kept her from searching out a nonsurgical nursing position.

Rested, she looked at the towering mountains in the other direction. Snow-covered peaks glistened in the noon sun. How she wished Jared could see it, too.

She could almost hear his voice. Live, sweetheart. Live for me.

He wouldn’t be happy with the way she had closed herself off from life.

And yet pain was a living thing inside her. It had been for months. She couldn’t let go of it. She didn’t want to let it go. It would be a betrayal of those who died that day. But maybe here—away from the military and everything that reminded her of her former life—maybe she could manage it. Maybe she could take pleasure in a deep blue sky and a fresh breeze without feeling guilty.

She started down the mountain. The path was well trod but steep. She had to concentrate on every step—a good thing, in her mind. She was winded when she reached the bottom. She remembered when she could run ten miles without breathing hard.

But that was a lifetime ago. Now she had to face new challenges. She only hoped she could.

A Soldier's Journey

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