Читать книгу A Soldier's Journey - Patricia Potter - Страница 13



ANDY SPENT THE rest of the afternoon looking through boxes at the community center.

Bill Evans had brought a chair inside the “museum” after she started glancing through some of scrapbooks, then he disappeared, apparently in pursuit of other volunteer duties.

Joseph lay beside her, his head resting on his paws, his tail wagging occasionally, apparently to remind her that he was there. She didn’t have to be reminded. In a few short weeks he’d become her lifeline. She had someone to feed and water and take for walks. She hadn’t realized how much she’d needed that.

She found twelve different newspapers that had apparently come and gone in the more than 150 years they documented. Some were little more than a single page. They were in chronological order but some years were missing. Still, it was like filing through snapshots of history.

The faded pages presented a glimpse of the town: the marriages, the births and the deaths. The marriage of a Nathan Rowland to Edna Redding caught her eye. The date on the newspaper was May 16, 1930. She counted back. He was probably Nate Rowland’s great-grandfather. The story was accompanied by a photo.

The Nate who had greeted her earlier in the day resembled the groom, except the latter sported a handsome mustache and looked uncomfortable in a black suit and white shirt with a stiff collar. The dark-haired bride was very pretty. Andy turned to another article. The country was deep in the Great Depression. There were rumors, denied, that the bank in the town would close. She suspected she would find out if it had.

Fascinated, she’d turned to the next issue when she heard footsteps behind her. She looked at her watch. Nearly six. She was amazed at how much time had passed.

“Hi, again” came a voice from behind her, and she whirled around. Nate Rowland stood in the doorway. “I hope I didn’t startle you,” he said. “You looked completely absorbed.”

“I was,” she said, feeling oddly as if she knew him better after reading the marriage announcement. “These...are fascinating.”

“You really think so?”

“Don’t you?”

He shrugged. “I grew up on this area’s history.” He knelt next to Joseph, who promptly turned on his back, baring his belly. Nate rubbed it as Joseph hummed with pleasure.

“He’s shameless,” Andy said. “And easy.”

Nate smiled, a slow twist of his lips that was surprisingly attractive. She found herself smiling back. She hadn’t really managed a real one for months, not until several days after she was introduced to Joseph. It was impossible not to respond to an animal that lived every day just to please you and intuit your every mood. It was also...difficult not to respond to Nate Rowland’s smile.

“You must be exhausted,” he said.

She shrugged. “I don’t sleep much.”

“I get that. I didn’t, either, when I returned from Iraq.”

She turned back to the newspaper and closed the bound volume. “It’s probably time for me to go back to the cabin and feed Joseph.”

“Bill had to leave. Something for his wife,” Nate said. “He asked me to close up for him and drive you home. He said you were so engrossed in the files, he didn’t want to interrupt you.”

“That was considerate of him,” Andy said, “and you, but I can walk home. Joseph and I need the exercise.”

“He thought you might want to take some of the material with you.”

Surprised, she blurted out her first thought. “I would think he, or the town, would want keep it under lock and key.”

“I don’t think he’s worried about you taking off with anything in here,” Nate said with that wry smile again. She was prepared for it this time.

She stood, stretched. She considered the newspapers she had been reading. It was either that or a book tonight, and she was becoming intrigued with Covenant Falls. It was the first time in months that she’d felt even a smidgen of interest in anything around her.

She was grateful for it, for anything that kept her mind from going back to Afghanistan. But if she took the bound newspapers home, she couldn’t hold Joseph’s leash. She would need a ride.

“Thank you,” she said. “I’ll take that ride.”

“Good. Can I carry that down for you?”

She hesitated, then nodded. The last thing she needed now was to fall down a flight of stairs.

He picked up the heavy, awkward book with ease. He waited for her and Joseph to lead the way down the stairs and he followed.

The building was empty. She waited as Nate locked up the building, then walked with her to his blue pickup.

“What time does it usually close?” she asked.

“Five on Friday. Seven the other weekdays so kids can do homework. Then it’s open Saturday from nine to five.”

“And it’s after six,” she said. “I didn’t realize...”

“Not to worry,” he said. “Bill saved me from doing some paperwork that’s on my desk. Now I can foist it on Josh.” He paused, then asked, “Have you had dinner?”

“No, but I had a late lunch with Eve Manning and there’s enough food in the fridge to feed an army.”

A light seemed to go on in his eyes. “Ah, now I understand,” he said.

“Understand what?”

“Why you’re here. Eve is behind this.”

“I like to pay my own way.”

“I get that, too,” he said as they went down the few steps to the ground. They reached his pickup and she wondered whether everyone in Covenant Falls drove a truck. The Bucket was definitely going to be out of place.

She opened the passenger door before he could reach it and climbed inside. Joseph hopped in and squeezed next to her, then she took the bound newspapers in her lap.

It was warm outside and it seemed to get warmer when Nate stepped inside. The sleeves of his blue shirt were rolled up, displaying bronze muscles. She hadn’t noticed that much this morning. She’d been tired and anxious to get inside and settled, at least as much as she could in a cabin that didn’t belong to her. She had worried every mile of her drive that some loud noise or headlight would send her back to Afghanistan and off the road.

But now she was running on adrenaline. The lunch with Eve Manning had given her something she very much needed: an immediate goal. She liked Bill Evans and thought he could be a friend. Maybe Nate, too, although she wanted absolutely nothing outside a casual friendship.

She leaned against the seat.

“What exactly does Eve want you to do?” Nate asked.

“A brochure about the town’s history,” she said.

Nate didn’t say anything, but then silences seemed to be a part of him.

A minute later they were in front of the cabin. He turned off the engine. “If you want to know the history, you should talk to Al Monroe.”

“Eve mentioned something about him, but Bill indicated he might be difficult.”

“He might. He might not,” Nate said. “But it’s worth a try.”

“Could you ask him?”

“I think you should do it yourself,” he said. “He respects strength and directness. And even if not, I’m the last person to ask him.”


“As far as he’s concerned, I’ve been wrong on every side of an issue in Covenant Falls.”

“That’s intriguing.” She waited for him to continue, but he didn’t. Instead, he stepped down and went around to her side of the pickup and opened the door. He reached for the book, but she shook her head.

“I can take it from here,” she said.

His gaze met hers in the internal light of the pickup. His eyes were predominantly a golden brown but with shades of gray and green mixing with it. What was striking, though, was not the color. It was something she couldn’t define. It wasn’t kindness, but more of an empathy. She resented the hell out of sympathy, or pity or its like, but this was neither. I’ve been there. I know what you’re going through. I respect it.

She suddenly realized she was still sitting in the seat, holding the book as if it were a lifeline. Joseph barked as if to jar her into moving. She handed the bulky volume down to Nate. He took it, and she stepped out and followed him to the cabin. “I can take it now,” she said, but as she took it from him once they were inside, her bad hand failed her and the heavy volume started to fall. He caught it.

“Where would you like it?” he asked as if nothing at all had happened.

“The table, I think,” she said, biting her tongue in mortification.

He placed it down on the table, then he turned to her. “Think about contacting Al Monroe,” he said. “I think he would like you.”


“Because I think you have a hell of a lot of grit, and he respects that.” She was too stunned to reply. Grit? Not recently.

“Listen,” he said. “I don’t know what the hell happened to you out there, but here you are, in a strange town, standing up tall and ready to take on a challenge because you’re not giving up.”

“But I was giving up,” she admitted honestly.

“Was doesn’t matter. Now is what matters. Just know we all have your back. Okay?”

He was willing her to believe it. She took a deep breath. “Okay,” she said.

He just nodded. “Call if you need anything, or just want to talk. You’ll be coming to the vet meeting Monday night?”

“You said they play poker?”

“Yeah. We’ve been known to do that.”

“You betcha, then.” False bravado, but it just popped out. She was as surprised as he looked.

He simply nodded, his eyes hooded. “Welcome to Covenant Falls,” he said as he headed for the door.

* * *

NATE’S THOUGHTS WERE in turmoil as he drove away from the cabin. He had not meant to say what he had said, nor do more than leave her at the door. The look on Andy’s face when she’d nearly dropped the heavy, bulky book had changed his mind.

She looked so fragile and yet she had the strength to plunge through whatever pain she had. She’d traveled to a strange place with a determination to reclaim her life. She had apparently grabbed at whatever Eve had offered.

Be careful! Women, particularly pretty ones with wide eyes and sad stories, were poison for him. It had taken him five years to claw back from the hell Maggie had put him through. The last thing he needed was any kind of involvement with a woman.

He would keep his distance. He had given her a challenge by mentioning Al Monroe. He suspected she couldn’t ignore it if she was the fighter he thought lurked within her. He’d done his part. He turned on the highway. He had other stops today.

A Soldier's Journey

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