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Chapter Three


It had been a stupid thing to do.

The next morning Abby was still chastising herself for letting Cade kiss her. As if she’d had a choice. Whenever the man got within ten feet of her, she turned to mush. And she had to stop it, she told herself as she paced her bedroom. She wasn’t a crazy-in-love college student any longer. She was a single mother, trying to raise her child. Cade’s child. Just the thought turned her legs to jelly. She sank onto the bed. If he discovered Brandon was his…

Abby quickly shook away the thought. Cade would be gone by the end of the week. Just as before, Chicago was where he wanted to be. He’d proved that when he’d stayed away from San Angelo for so long, never interested in her well-being or if she could be pregnant from their lovemaking.

Tears started to well up in her eyes, but Abby refused to let them fall. She wasn’t going to waste her time on something that could never be. Her only concern was her son. She wanted to protect him and to raise him with love in a good home.

That was one of her other problems. One she’d been dreading all week but couldn’t put off any longer. Damn her ex-husband for doing this to her, for humiliating her this way. Obviously if she wanted her alimony check, she’d have to play Joel’s game.

She dressed in a pair of pleated taupe slacks and a cream-colored blouse. After slipping on a pair of nut-brown flats, she went downstairs. She checked her hair in the mirror, then turned to find her son watching her.

“Where are you going, Mom?”

“Into town, honey. You stay with Charlie and Carmen.”

“Can I go with you?”

“No, I’m going to the bank to see your fa—Joel. I’ll be back soon, I promise.”

She didn’t miss the fear in his eyes as he shook his head. “No, Mom, don’t go.”

“I have to, Brandon. He didn’t send the check.”

“But what if he hurts you again?”

Abby forced a smile. “He won’t, Brandon. That’s why I’m going to the bank. There’ll be a lot of people around. I’ll be fine.” She kissed him, then hurried out to her car, remembering that her therapist had told her to confront her fears. Abby seriously doubted that the psychologist realized what it was like to be knocked around by a drunken Joel Garson.

Cade drove into town, amazed at how things had changed. But after nearly eight years, what did he expect? Nothing stays the same. Before he knew it, his thoughts had turned to Abby. She had only become more beautiful with the years.

No. He had to stop thinking about her, Cade told himself as he pulled the truck into the First Security Bank parking lot. The kiss had been out of line, but it only verified what he already knew. Abby could still turn him inside out. Four more days, and he’d be back in Chicago. Back to his life with no Abby Garson to tempt him. He climbed out and walked into the one-story brick building. It was Tuesday, and the bank was quiet. Three tellers handled the customers. Cade pulled out the deposit slip and check Hank had given him and got in line.

He was next when he heard a loud voice that echoed through the hollow building. Cade glanced toward the glass enclosure. His heart pounded harder when he saw Abby inside—with Joel.

He froze when he saw that Garson had a grip on her wrist. The average person not looking closely wouldn’t see the man’s intense look. Fury raced through Cade as he made his way across the bank. What did Abby think she was doing, going to see Joel on her own? The man had beaten her before. He could do it again. If Garson touched her, he would be a dead man.

A receptionist looked up as he approached the door. “You can’t go in there, sir.”

“The hell I can’t.” Cade gave the door a sharp knock, then swung the door open to see Joel corraling Abby, his hand still gripping her wrist.

“Garson!” he growled.

The big stocky man turned to him in surprise. Joel Garson hadn’t aged well. He had the ruddy complexion and puffy eyes of a drinker. He looked as if he’d been on a weekend binge. His stomach hung over his belt, and not even a custom-made suit could hide the fact that he was a good thirty pounds overweight.

“Release Abby or I’ll break you in two.” Cade stepped inside, then shut the door. He gripped the doorknob so he wouldn’t carry out his threat.

Joel glared at him. “Get out, Randell. This is between my wife and me.”

“Your ex-wife.” Cade pushed away from the door, his fists clenched. “Let her go.”

Abby remained silent, but her eyes revealed her panic.

“Now.” Cade growled.

Finally Joel dropped Abby’s wrist and backed away. “You’ll be sorry you interfered in something that isn’t any of your business.”

“Yeah, I’m real scared,” Cade said. “I doubt you would go at it with someone your own size.”

“You can go to hell.”

“Not before you give Abby what she came for.”

Another glare, and Joel finally walked around the desk and opened the drawer. He pulled out an envelope and shoved it at her.

Abby’s hand trembled as she took it. Then she moved away. Cade opened the door, but turned back to Joel. “If you want a fight, Garson, I’ll gladly accommodate you. Just leave Abby alone.”

“You’ll be sorry for this, Randell.”

“Never. Just don’t let me hear that you hassled her again.”

Cade shut the door and caught up with Abby. With a protective hand at her back, he escorted her through the bank, past the curious glances of several onlookers. He felt her stumble. His arm went around her waist, pulling her against his side. “It’s okay, darlin’, we’re nearly out of here,” he whispered. “Just hold it together a little while longer.”

Finally outside, she sucked in a long breath, but it didn’t bring much color back to her face.

“Come on, you need to sit down.” He led her to the coffee shop next door and Cade directed her to a booth, then ordered two cups of coffee from the waitress.

He turned his attention to Abby. “Are you okay?”

She took a swallow of water. “No, I’m humiliated. How could you storm in there like that?”

“Look, I could hear Garson’s voice from across the bank,” he said, wondering where her gratitude was. “Did you want me to wait until he started smacking you around?”

She covered her face with her hands.

Cade ached to hold her, but figured she wouldn’t welcome a man’s touch right now. “How long has Joel been abusing you?”

She gasped at the question. “How…”

“Chance told me his suspicions.” Cade couldn’t hide his anger over the situation. “Brandon’s actions confirmed it. How long did you put up with the man beating you?”

A Child for Cade

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