Читать книгу The Rancher's Doorstep Baby - Patricia Thayer - Страница 6



RACHEL came awake slowly. Her head hurt as if she’d been hit between the eyes. Then the memories of last night slowly started coming back to her. The news of Sarah’s death, the trip to San Antonio, her niece, Cole’s kiss, his holding her in his arms…

She blinked, and opened her eyes to find the man asleep beside her in bed. Not just beside her, but with his hand draped over her…She froze, and forced herself to breathe as her skin under his palm began to tingle. Her heart started to race.

Oh my, what do I do?

She lay motionless and listened to Cole’s soft snores. He didn’t seem to be too bothered by the situation. Maybe he was used to waking up with a woman. Of course he had, Cole was a good-looking man.

Rachel had never woken up next to a man. She’d dreamed of someone like Cole Parrish coming into her solitary life. But she’d never be the kind of woman who could make him stay.

She closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of his strong arms around her, but knew she couldn’t keep depending on this man. He’d done so much to help her already. Neither one of them needed to add to this already complicated situation.

She tried to slip toward the edge of the bed to get away. It didn’t work. Cole murmured something incoherent and pulled her closer, tucking his nearly naked body behind hers.

She bit back a gasp, unable to ignore the sudden warmth that shot through her. Then, as if that weren’t enough, his hand began to move under the sheet, first over her stomach, then down to her hips and back up again, returning to her breasts, sending tingles over her skin as his fingers gently pinched her nipple. She closed her eyes, lost in the sudden pleasure. Heaven help her, she wanted to know what it felt like to be caressed by this man, but her common sense finally returned and she pushed his hand away.

“Cole,” she murmured his name and sat up.

“What?” He jerked up into a sitting position, rubbed his eyes and looked at her. “Rachel? Oh God.” He shot off the bed as if it had caught fire. “Please tell me I didn’t do anything—”

“No,” she quickly interrupted him. “Absolutely not.”

He looked relieved and that disappointed her. “I’m so sorry,” he began. “I meant to leave after you fell asleep, but I guess I drifted off…”

“I think we were both pretty tired…” she said, filling her gaze with unbelievably broad shoulders, a naked chest covered with a dusting of dark hair that swirled down his flat stomach and dipped into the open button on his jeans. Her attention quickly moved up to his face.

He started to pace. “That doesn’t give me the right to take advantage.”

“You didn’t,” she insisted. “Now, let’s stop talking about it.” Rachel stood, then quickly realized she had on her nightgown. “We should go back to the hospital.”

Their gazes locked, his silver gaze had a sexy sleepy look. “I’ll be ready in fifteen,” he said.

She glanced away. “I need to shower.”

He nodded. “Just knock on the door when you’re ready to go. We’ll have some breakfast, then head to the hospital.”

He walked through the connecting door and shut it behind him. Rachel let out a breath and wondered if she’d ever be able to look at Cole, and not think about his kiss…his touch.

He’d kissed her. The one and only other time she’d been kissed, she’d been thirteen and Billy Michaels nearly chickened out. With the less than satisfying end result, she’d wished he had. Rachel never got another chance to repeat the experience. Her father refused to allow any boys out to the ranch. Later on she’d never had the time to even think about a man in her life.

Cole Parrish was different. From the first time he’d arrived at the Bar H, he’d made her feel things. With one glance, one piercing look, her body came alive. And his kiss last night made her desire things…womanly things.

She shook her head, and walked into the bathroom. She didn’t have the time to think about a man in her life.

Now all she had time to think about was making a go of the ranch, and making a home for her niece. The thought of little Hannah Sarah Hewitt brought a wistful smile to her face. She had a family now.

“Just keep supporting her head,” the nurse instructed.

“Oh…she’s so tiny,” Rachel said, gazing down at the tiny bundle in her arms.

Cindy, the pediatric nurse, grinned. “They grow pretty fast. Your niece here has already taken her first bottle this morning. And by those sucking sounds, I’d say she’s ready again.” Cindy led Rachel to the rocking chair. “Get comfortable.”

Nervous, Rachel did as she was told. She didn’t have any experience with babies. Not unless you counted calves. “What if…?”

“Stop worrying. Babies are pretty sturdy. And this one has proven that. She’s a toughie. We nicknamed her ‘Champ.’”

“Well, I hope you’re not too upset if I call her Hannah.” Rachel smiled as she brought the nipple to her niece’s rosebud mouth. The baby took it in and began to suck. “She’s drinking.”

“That’s the plan,” the nurse said as she stood by watching, then showed Rachel how to burp Hannah.

Through it all, the infant seemed to survive Rachel’s inexperience, and in the end, she fell asleep.

“Since I’m not needed anymore, I’ll leave you two.” Before the nurse departed, she motioned to the window. “You know, your husband can come in if he wants, just so long as he puts on a gown.”

Rachel glanced around to find Cole standing behind the glass. “Oh, we’re not married. Cole works on my ranch.”

“Well, whatever. But that’s one good-looking cowboy.” Cindy sighed. “And it seems to me, he’s pretty attentive for just a ranch hand.

Cole waited outside the window. He tried to ignore the sound of the infants in the nursery, but he was drawn to watching them as they waved their arms and cried for attention. Their lung power was incredible.

Nathan hadn’t been that lucky. His lungs hadn’t developed enough…The pain hit Cole hard and he turned away. For so long he kept busy so he wouldn’t remember, but the memory of his stillborn son was always there. He had to get away from here.

A nurse came by. “Could you tell Rachel Hewitt that I’ll be back in an hour?” he asked her.

When she agreed, he headed for the elevators. There were several details he had to take care of before they could go back to the ranch. He mostly needed some fresh air and to clear his head.

But he knew nothing would ever heal his heart.

The doctor told Rachel he would release Hannah from the hospital in the morning. Was she ready to handle a newborn on her own? She glanced around for Cole but didn’t see him anywhere.

When the nurse had given her his message, she wasn’t surprised that he needed time alone. He’d had to wait around the hospital most of yesterday and all morning. Who wouldn’t want some fresh air? But his disappearance still bothered her. He’d been by her side the entire time. Even though she told herself not to depend on him, she had.

“Don’t get used to it, girl, he’s not going to be around much longer,” she murmured to herself.

Rachel realized that except for Cy, Cole was the only man she’d been able to depend on. And he’d be leaving—at the end of the week.

For the past hour, Rachel had stayed busy with the baby. The police officer who’d handled Sarah’s case came by to have her sign papers for her sister’s personal things, and to explain the landlord had the rest of Sarah’s clothes.

Then Beth Nealey arrived and invited her to lunch in the cafeteria. After they went through the food line, they sat down at a table and began to eat. “As far as we discovered in our investigation, you are Hannah’s only living relative. So unless you’ve had a change of heart, you’ll be her guardian.”

Excitement and fear raced through Rachel as she tried to eat her tomato soup. Once again she thought about Cole, wanting him with her. “No, I haven’t changed my mind. Hannah is my niece. I love her already and I want to make a home for her. When possible, I want to adopt her.”

Beth smiled, putting Rachel at ease. “I’m glad.” She took a bite of her sandwich. “Not to say becoming an instant mother isn’t going to be difficult, especially with running a cattle ranch.”

“I have help.” She could handle this. She wanted Hannah so much she was willing to do anything. “I may be new at motherhood, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes. If I can’t handle both, I’ll sell the ranch.”

Beth patted her hand. “You’ll make a great mother, Rachel.” She placed her napkin on her tray. “And I’ll be coming by in a few weeks to see how things are going. And if you need anything before then, you can always call me.”

“So I can take Hannah home tomorrow?”

“Yes. I’ll have the papers to sign tomorrow morning before she is released.” Beth shook Rachel’s hand and stood. “I wish you all the best.” With a parting smile, Rachel watched her walk away.

At the door to the cafeteria, Beth stopped when Cole appeared. After a minute they shook hands and Cole came toward Rachel, noticing the other women in the room were giving him an extra long look. She felt her heart speed up as his gaze searched for hers.

He smiled as she reached her table. “I just heard the good news,” he told her as he pulled out a chair.

She nodded. “I guess we have to stay one more night,” Rachel said. “I’m sorry. This wasn’t exactly in your job description.”

Cole knew that neither one of them had thought about what was going to happen once they came to San Antonio.

“It’s a slow time at the ranch,” he assured her with a shrug. Even if Cy was so crippled with arthritis that he could barely get up some mornings, he should be able to handle things while they were gone. “I called Cy while you were in with the baby. He said Bud had been by to help out.”

Rachel blinked in surprise. “I’m glad. Cy has trouble asking for help. And since the heart attack, I worry about him overdoing things. And after you leave…” She paused. “I’m sorry, I know you have another job to go to.”

He nodded. “If you need me to, I don’t have a problem staying on another week. I’ll work at finding you another hand.” He knew staying on would be tough but how could he leave her alone with a new baby?

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You didn’t, Rachel. I offered. Things have changed and you’ve got to concentrate on the baby for now, not the ranch.”

She blinked. “I appreciate it. More than you know. I was worried about what my lawyer was going to say about Hannah.” She shrugged. “It shouldn’t matter since I’m to take over control of the ranch in a few weeks.”

He smiled again. “I hear you’re having a special birthday.”

“The only thing that’s good about it is I can run the ranch my way without having to ask Mr. Montgomery.”

He nodded. “You have a lot on your plate. Top of the list is collecting your sister’s things. Mrs. Nealey told me that the police stopped by.” He glanced down at the bag on the chair. “How about we take care of that now?”

The Rancher's Doorstep Baby

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