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Measuring Keys


 When measuring innovation, the old adage applies, “Garbage in equals garbage out.” When implementing innovation channels and programs, consider data integrity, the ability of having repeatable capture processes and reporting of that information, and clarity in measuring and calculating innovation value.

 If you don’t measure, you can’t improve. And if you don’t share the results after you measure, nobody knows or understands the results, leading to (usually negative) speculation. Measure, improve, share, and repeat!

 Sharing with “the street” (public constituents) is another matter. Be smart, honest, and thoughtful in distinguishing between internal and confidential intelligence vs. information that is ready to be shared more broadly, just like in any other reporting you prepare.

 Measuring innovation has historically not been easy. IVS is meant to help give finance, accounting, and all leaders a standard innovation system to use as a yardstick to better measure, compare, and improve innovation levels and give them clear actions to take. Try it and see if it better defines innovation value and pinpoints areas in which you can drive more business value for your constituents.

 Beginning to measure results is the beginning, not the end. Measuring doesn’t just tell you who won the game; it tells you if you are winning or losing in the larger game of fulfilling your vision and achieving your mission.

We all can work on our tendency to say no and find more ways to “get to yes,” especially if it drives value in our organizations. There is a great insight in Innovation at the Speed of Laughter: “When we say yes first, we are not saying we should approve a budget, staffing or the idea will be automatically implemented.” Give yourself permission to say “Yes” to an idea and explore it a bit. The rigorous evaluation can come later.

As you begin to read through this book, find ways to GET TO YES in your thinking, application, and adoption of these processes and recommendations. Getting to yes translates to getting to innovation value creation in your organization—and isn’t value creation at the core of why your organization exists?

Advancing Innovation

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