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Where was he?

Abby Martin paced under the big old cottonwood tree beside the stream on her parents’ cattle ranch. The hot August sun had finally set about two hours ago, around seven o’clock, but the heat lingered. She scarcely noticed as she paced impatiently on the scraggly grass. He should have been with her by now.

Where was Jesse?

Her father had hired the tall, handsome ranch hand two months ago, just before she’d come home for summer vacation from Arizona State. The moment she’d laid eyes on him, she’d fallen hopelessly in love. Though they’d never spoken the words out loud, Abby was certain that Jesse felt the same by the way he’d look at her, hold her, kiss her. Then he’d whisper in her ear to meet him by the stream beneath their tree or sometimes in the hayloft. And he’d make tender love with her.

In the hazy moonlight, Abby squinted in the direction of the outbuildings surrounding the main house, but she saw no sign of anyone on horseback heading her way. She hated sneaking around, but her mother was so against either of her two daughters having anything to do with the ranch hands. Jesse had told her that he wasn’t just a cowboy, that he couldn’t tell her more right now, but he had plans for the future. Big plans. Abby was sure she was a big part of those plans. When the time was right and they could be open and up-front about their feelings for each other, she’d tell her parents. She was certain they’d care for Jesse once they got to know him.

Thrusting nervous hands through her long blond hair, she readjusted her ponytail, then stopped, listening hard. Yes, there it was, the sound of a horse’s hooves coming closer. In moments, Jesse came into view, his black hair ruffling in the evening breeze. As it did each time she saw him, Abby’s heart skipped several beats. She watched him swing off his mount and tie the reins to a tree branch near the spot where her mare stood.

He wasn’t smiling as he usually was, causing an anxious chill to race along her spine. But he rushed over and took her in his arms, holding her close. Yet so attuned was Abby to his moods that she knew instantly that something was wrong.

“What is it?” she asked, a sudden sense of foreboding causing her voice to tremble.

Jesse eased back reluctantly. “I have to leave right away for California. A family emergency. My father’s had a heart attack.” His brow creased with concern. He lifted a hand and caressed her face. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“I’m so sorry about your father.” He’d rarely mentioned his family. Of course, he had to go. Abby knew that. But oh, she hated the thought of his leaving. “You’ve been working since sunup. You are going to fly rather than drive, right?”

Distracted and anxious to be on his way, he shook his head. “No flights out till late tomorrow morning. I can be there before then if I drive straight through.” Seeing the distress in her eyes, Jesse felt torn. He owed her an explanation, but there wasn’t time. As soon as his father was out of danger, he’d return and explain everything. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

Bending to her, Jesse pulled Abby close and gave her a hard kiss, then leaped up onto the black stallion.

Suddenly unsure of his feelings for her, Abby gazed up at him. “You will come back, won’t you?”

“Yes, as soon as I can.” Adjusting the reins, he turned the horse and rode off.

Abby watched him ride out of sight. “Remember me….” she murmured, as if in prayer.

Her Kind Of Cowboy

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