Читать книгу The Fellowship of Yeshua: Communing With Your Ascended Soul Guide - Paul Daniel Payne - Страница 8
ОглавлениеChapter 1 Welcome to the Journey
Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom which animates all whom it floats, and you are without effort impelled to truth, to right and a perfect contentment.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Spiritual Laws
The first question you may have is, “How can I grow spiritually by meeting my ascended soul guides?” Questions are only good if they are properly designed, and this is a good question! There are several ways our guides will help us grow spiritually.
The three most important ways our ascended soul guides will help us grow spiritually are as follows: (1) our guides will improve our emotional health and self-concept, (2) our guides will help us to understand the oneness of the universe and (3) our guides will help us achieve reunion with the Universal Spirit by awakening our universal consciousness.
The Spirit of the Universe is not a blind force, but is a Creative Spirit or Mind that unfolds itself in many ways. Everything in the universe lives and acts, and also discloses its spirit. The Spirit manifests in playful creativity. It is this creative, Universal Spirit that sends forth the stars to illuminate the sky, decorates the spring with flowers, dresses autumn in gold and instills consciousness in mankind.
A precursory look around at our world and the universe at large will show how creative the Spirit of the Universe actually is. Have you ever taken the time to see the diversity around us on an every day basis? Everything is unique in its own way, and at the same time, intrinsically part of the Universal Spirit as the Source of all that exists.
The Spirit is artistic in its living and manifesting. It creates all that exists as an expression of itself, as growth sprouting up from the roots of its very own character. We cannot look at something and say of it, “That is ugly or bad,” for nothing is ugly or bad or good or anything else but pure Spirit. Differentiation is an exercise in futility.
Everyone can have direct experience of universal consciousness within the universal Self. It is this interconnected Self of which all life is a part. There is no individual self in reality, but only the whole Self, which is the manifestation of the Spirit. By losing the self and uniting with the universal Self, we become aware of our true relationship with all other things in the universe.
Enlightened beings know that life is not a bare, mechanical motion or a dead series of events. Life is a spiritual, purposive and self-directing force. This is not to discount physical evolution. On the contrary, it is to give physical evolution purpose. Aware beings also experience that there exists some Power unifying intellectual and emotional activities so as to make life uniform and rational. We sense that there lies within us a universal consciousness or unifying Mind.
There is certainly no place for nihilism in this universal philosophy. Meaning exists everywhere and in everything, though that meaning may be limited by illusory perception. For example, in our everyday physical bodies we become accustomed to living within our own egocentric universe.
We actually create these unique self-universes where only we and the physical things we care most about exist. We too often consciously block out the truth of universal oneness and only find meaning in the disconnected universe of our own making.
By attempting to live on an existential island (which we all know no man can really do) we implicitly deny the inherent meaning of those around us. We add one more brick to the house of physical illusion, thereby preventing the personal realization of universal oneness. Though we may carry on as if all is well within our disconnected universe, the destruction is really our own. We destroy our own spirits by refusing to live in oneness with the whole of creation.
On uniting with the Source, the true Self, we begin to see clearly the true nature of reality. We begin to find our meaning in interconnectedness rather than in selfish individualism. As the ego disappears, we witness life in all the grand beauty that is the Ultimate Self. Tapping into the unifying Mind gives an image of reality beyond physical perception, an image where nothingness and Source merge to become true reality.
Universal consciousness is the focus of spiritual life. It is the Supreme Spirit awakened in the human mind. It is universal consciousness that holds communion with the Supreme Spirit and realizes that individual lives are inseparably united, and are of one nature with the rest of universal life. Though all sentient beings are intrinsically endowed with this universal consciousness, many are not aware of its existence.
It can be re-discovered, however, in practicing the meditations given by our ascended soul guides and other teachers of light. Even though some people do not have a realization of universal consciousness, always remember that universal consciousness is inherent. The light of the Supreme Spirit can never be extinguished, just as the sunlight cannot be destroyed by mist and cloud.
Universal consciousness, the ability to see and live in our inherent interconnectedness, is the birthright of humanity. It is the one human characteristic that draws all diversity together into the singularity of oneness with the Source. It is the foundation on which all else rests. In becoming universally conscious, we are able to recognize that movement in one part of the universe affects the reality in other parts of the universe. Nothing acts or moves separately from anything else. Everything affects everything.
As creations of the Spirit, we as humans are one and the same with the household cat, the big oak tree in the front yard and our next door neighbor. Everything is of one substance – universal Spirit. We should never forget where we came from; to know that we are one with the Spirit. We must understand that we are an undivided creation: race, nationality, creed and gender are streams of light, witnessed through one great Prism.
All living beings are made of stardust and are part of the Supreme Spirit. Stardust is Spirit which has taken form: we are completely one with the universe, whole and holy. From a singular Source, endless creative energy, wholly elemental we arise as the earth, air, water, fire and sentient life.
Those who follow the teachings of our ascended soul guides and connect with the Supreme Spirit receive the blessings of the Eternal Universal Law and are showered with abundance. A universe of life and energy flows to us and through us.
We begin as sojourners and journey through life to become more perfect in the singularity of Spirit. Following the Way, we become conscious of the cosmos within us. We sense the harmony of peace, cooperation and love. In the act of forgetting ourselves, we become conscious of our cosmic goal, remembering our never-ending communion with the Spirit.
As we journey forward towards universal brotherhood and sisterhood, we address through meditation and actions the conditions which create conflict: economic imperialism, the building of national idols, political oppression, cultural intolerance, poverty, sickness, hunger, homelessness and struggles over natural resources. We realize that movement in one part of the universe creates movement in another part of the universe. Nothing is disconnected.
There are myriad ascended soul teachers in this and other universes with intentions to teach us spiritual wisdom, and to reconnect our memories with the reality of our connection to the Spirit. The messages you will receive from these ascended soul guides will assist you in overcoming forgetfulness, and in intentionally reconnecting your memory with spiritual reality.
For these reasons and more, our ascended guides have “come down from the heavens” to lead us into the path of pure light and wisdom. It is our choice to join in this mission with them or to continue living blindly with no knowledge of the Spirit and the promise of abundant life.
If you choose to partake of this journey you will never regret your decision. Our guides will lead you into all truth, and will help you in reconnecting with your birthright of universal consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. Welcome to the journey!