Читать книгу The Fellowship of Yeshua: Communing With Your Ascended Soul Guide - Paul Daniel Payne - Страница 9
ОглавлениеChapter 2 Who Are Our Ascended Guides?
Given the millions of billions of Earth-like planets, life elsewhere in the Universe without a doubt, does exist. In the vastness of the Universe we are not alone.
- The Bible According to Albert Einstein
Whether you know it or not every person in the world has at least one individual ascended soul guide who wants intimate contact with their respective human channel. This being has been your guide, influencing your paths, since the time of your physical birth.
Ascended soul guides typically take the form of gray-type extraterrestrials or humanoid beings (in the case of extraterrestrial manifestation), or as angelic beings, but experiences vary, and some people report that their guides are in the form of animals, shapes or even colors. The form your guide takes is not important. The most important thing is that your guide wants to have a personal relationship with you, speaking and listening to you on a regular basis.
Some people have one ascended soul guide, and others have two or more ascended soul guides. As stated before, each person definitely has at least one guide connected to you before your physical birth. However, in the process of meeting your guide you may encounter other guides who want to work with you. If you sense that these additional guides are beings who want to help you, and you are comfortable working with them, then by all means do so. It may just be that your purpose in channeling is manifold and that various guides may wish to transmit different strains of wisdom through you. Now you may be wondering, “If I have an ascended soul guide, why don’t I realize it?”
Western culture (and most of the world) is entrenched in a ratrace mentality, always hurrying and rarely taking the time to relax and slow down. It is difficult for us to focus on one thing for longer than a few seconds, especially if that thing is abstract or non-material. Most people do not realize the existence of their ascended soul guides because they have never taken the time to think about it, much less actually concentrate on making a connection with their guides.
We are so busy with our day-to-day routines that we rarely take the time to focus on our spiritual health. This is why humanity is at the point of becoming unraveled. Wars, disease and all types of misunderstandings are based on the fact that we have not really taken the time to cultivate our spiritual selves. In fact, few of us actually realize that we are spirit in our essence. Focusing on the physical aspect of existence has led us away from the true nature of reality as Spirit. This is why we usually cannot recognize our guides without assistance from someone who has already established contact.
You may be wondering what an ascended soul guide is exactly. An ascended soul guide is an “otherworldly” entity who can manifest on many different planes of existence simultaneously. Your guide has gone through many more lifetimes than you, and has surpassed being restrained to one plane of existence. Ascended soul guides are beings who care infinitely about your well-being, and who want to communicate with and through you. When done correctly an ascended soul guide invitation will only draw positive beings full of light and love. Ascended guides have also been considered angels in mainline religions, but the word angel has the connotation of a being without birth. Ascended guides were born on some planet in ages past, and have progressed through many karmic stages to where they are now.
Our guides are multi-dimensional beings, able to shift from the dimension in which humans live into other existential realities and back. They have somehow discovered how to manipulate energy so as to dematerialize and to reappear at a location of their choosing at will. They have come to the realization that reality is not physical in its essence, though they are certainly able to manifest physically. This ability to become “non-physical” (in reality, everything is spiritual at its core) allows our guides and their vehicles of travel (if they choose to use one) to travel faster than the speed of light.
Some materialistic scientists still bound up in the Newtonian frame of mind believe traveling at the speed of light or faster is impossible. However, newer science is teaching us that traveling at or over the speed of light is theoretically possible. Of course, whatever is theoretically possible for us is almost certain to be practically possible for beings so much more evolved than us.
Ascended soul guides will not force their way into a person’s life. The reason for this concerns energy frequencies. As multidimensional beings, the energy level of your ascended guide is at a much higher frequency than your normal human energy field level, and an uninvited entrance of your guide into your energy field would most definitely produce negative emotional and possibly negative physical results. This is not to say that your guide would mean you any harm; simply that your guide’s energy level is on a higher frequency.
There are certain times in life when a guide will forcefully enter into its channel’s energy field such as in the case of an emergency or for protection. This forceful entry is not always successful, but it results in the channel’s safety or protection when it is successful. The exercises and rites included in this book will help you achieve an energy level at which it is comfortable for your guide to merge with you.
Our ascended soul guides are masters at telekinesis. Though humans are not certain what power is used to influence telekinetic activity, our guides have obviously discovered it. Telekinesis is simply the ability to manipulate physical objects using some type of force or energy. Via the use of telekinesis our guides are able to manipulate physical reality based on energetic methods.
Gabriel and Yeshua have made it clear to me that the method of travel utilized by ascended soul masters is telekinetic in nature. In other words, there is no intergalactic propulsion system for their craft as we would envision. Their vehicles and bodies move telekinetically according to how they choose to manipulate their energy.
In this way they may be physically present at one instant and millions of miles away at another instant. It is also possible for our ascended soul guides to manifest in two places simultaneously by “splitting.”
There is ample evidence of the ascended soul guide’s ability to manifest and dematerialize at will in the logs of recorded experiences. According to many reputable contactees, the spacecraft of many extraterrestrial ascended soul guides have been physically present in one location and automatically seem to disappear the next split second. Any cursory search on an internet search engine will turn up myriad accounts of these types of close encounters. In many of these accounts you will notice how the crafts maneuver in ways that only telekinesis (mind-manipulation) can explain.
Many people who have been taken aboard the crafts of extraterrestrial guides have described journeys from their bedrooms (or from whatever other location they boarded the craft) to other universes, planets or realities in the blink of an eye. It appears that when humans are with ascended beings, the ascended beings are also able to manipulate the physical energy of the human body just as they manipulate the energy of their own bodies and crafts. They are able to transport themselves and us to whatever destination they imagine. This ability to manifest anywhere at will is evidence of mental capabilities much further beyond normal human capacity.
Before going on to present the differences between ascended soul guides and angels, I think it will help to briefly explain what multi-dimensional realities and planes of existence are. First, our ascended soul guides are possibly from other dimensions, but have learned how to manifest in the third dimension when dealing with us. Otherwise they would appear nonsensical to our 3-D eyes. String theory proposes that there may be as many as ten to thirteen different dimensions, whereas other theories propose an infinite number of dimensions.
Put simply, a dimension is a structure of reality. Humans live in a 3-D reality, with the options of forward and backward motion (considered one direction), sideways motion, and upward and downward motion. In other words, we can travel in three different areas of space.
Time is a fourth dimension humans have not yet learned to consciously travel and manipulate, but our ascended soul guides are expert in traveling in the fourth dimension and it is possible for our guides to take us on journeys in the fourth dimension. In this way, we may be able to experience past or future realities in our journeys with ascended guides.
Planes of existence, on the other hand, are esoteric realities. Our ascended guides can travel back and forth among any of the first five of these planes. There are a variety of teachings regarding how many planes of existence actually exist. My guides have told me of seven: the physical, the emotional, the mental, the intuitional, the spiritual, the emergent and the divine.
Most of these planes are self-explanatory. We exist in more than one plane at a time, though we are usually only aware of the physical plane. Humans are able to meet their ascended soul guides in any of the first five planes. Father and Mother exist on the sixth plane, but are able to traverse the sixth and below. The Universal Spirit exists spiritually on the seventh plane, and encompasses all of the planes.
Now I will pick up on the differences among our ascended soul guides, angels and imbalanced spirit beings. It is an unpleasant subject but imbalanced spirit beings must be addressed to clear the air of misinformation concerning our ascended soul guides. Before dealing with imbalanced beings, however, let me quickly address the subject of angels.
As stated above, angels are created beings of light, never born physically and never dying. They are immediate thought creations of the Universal Spirit, who is eternal. Each person has a guardian angel as well as an ascended soul guide; however, these guardian angels rarely communicate with those they protect. Your ascended guide may look to you as you imagine an angel would look, but your guide is not an angel proper. Ascended soul guides have been born, and are still progressing karmically towards total reunion with the Universal Spirit.
Imbalanced spirit beings are, in effect, spiritually disconnected angels. Just like angels, they were created by the Universal Spirit and will never physically die. They will eventually be drawn back into the Light of the Universal Spirit, but for the time being, they choose to be spiritually disconnected for reasons related to ego attachment.
Some people who have attempted to contact their ascended soul guides without proper preparation have encountered imbalanced spirit beings in the spiritual and physical world. However, there should be no concern of an imbalanced being entering your energy field if it is something you are prepared to avoid. Because of this, it is important to receive training and guidance in initiating contact with your ascended soul guide. That is, after all, why you are reading this book.
Just as there are imbalanced angels, there are also imbalanced extraterrestrial beings. Because some ascended soul guides are extraterrestrial beings as we commonly think of them (i.e. the gray-type, etc), it is necessary to address imbalanced extraterrestrial beings in the context of connecting with ascended soul guides.
Nearly all the popular literature dealing with extraterrestrials focuses on the imbalanced type. This is unfortunate since most extraterrestrial beings are actually spiritually enlightened ascended guides and exist to help humanity and other races in achieving spiritual enlightenment. Negative stories usually sell much better than positive ones though; hence, the proliferation of books and movies including negative images of extraterrestrials. Though this book is primarily about the ascended soul guides (extraterrestrial and otherwise) who exist for our highest good, the reality is that imbalanced extraterrestrial beings do exist.
There are theories that either two or more races of extraterrestrials, or two or more factions of the same race that genetically engineered us were in disagreement as to the purpose for a new genetically engineered human race. Some records state that one faction wished to endow us with all the freedoms they enjoyed and the other faction wished to enslave us to be used at their discretion.
In my communications with Gabriel and Yeshua, I tend to lean toward the second scenario. There are imbalanced extraterrestrial races, though not of the same race which genetically engineered us, who wish to use us for their own personal gain. This is simply something we should be aware of. It is nothing to fear in the process of meeting your ascended soul guide, since the hypno-meditation found in Appendix B is designed to attract ascended soul guides of light and love.
Speaking of imbalanced beings, it is necessary to address another issue before moving on to lighter topics. Existence, as beautiful as it is in the Light, is not now a unified awakened whole. Levels of spiritual and moral understanding exist, some lower and some higher. Some people with good intentions mistakenly identify everything as currently awakened to the reality of connection with the Universal Spirit.
All things are of the same sacred universal substance but not all things are of the same level of spiritual enlightenment. Some believe that any semblance of imbalance must simply be the result of misperception. This moral philosophy is useless in post-WWII life, and flies in the face of everyday physical and spiritual experience.
It is certain that balance and imbalance exists, and that they war against one another in the spiritual realm eventually manifesting in the physical realm. It is not correct though to see balance and imbalance in the same way that we see the concepts of good and evil. Good and evil are meaningless terms in the big picture of universal oneness. Because all things are inherently connected to the One, the process of conscious reunification to the One requires working through levels of balance and imbalance. These levels cannot be called good or bad, but must be viewed simply as the way things work.
Not to worry, however, since the Spirit is more powerful than imbalance, and we are able to overcome imbalanced states of being with the help of our ascended soul guides. More will be said about the concepts of balance and imbalance in the section dealing with the spiritual background of meeting your ascended soul guide(s).
The ascended guides you will learn to connect with through this book are beings of light and love, messengers of the Universal Spirit. They will bring meaning and peace to your life and will communicate to and through you great things for yourself and for humanity. It is important even before the initiation process begins that you start having feelings of invitation and welcome towards your guide. This positive energy will draw you spiritually closer to your guide before merging takes place.
The reason it is important to begin loving and welcoming your ascended guide(s) before formally meeting them is the absolute power of thought as energy and substance. Our thoughts, whether they are positive or negative, naturally draw like thoughts to our reality. In other words, if you think positively with love and invitation about meeting your ascended soul guide, then you will have begun the process of already drawing your guide closer.
In our earthly relationships we are familiar with the concept of like attracting like. People of a certain personality naturally drift towards one another. It is the same in the realm of the ascended beings. Your positive thought energy will assist the merger of you and your guide. Thinking positive thoughts of welcome will send out a mental signal to your ascended soul guides that your desire communion with them.
As noted before, the universe is made of energy, and energy creates reality. If energy creates reality then our positive thoughts (as energy) will bring about positive reality, and our negative thoughts will bring about negative reality. This is the principle on which thought-based reality is founded. We create our realities with the energy of our thoughts. If we send forth positive thoughts of welcome to our ascended guides then our reality will be one of positive meetings with our ascended guides.
The mundane realities of life are similar for our ascended soul guides as they are for us. Just as people on earth have names ascended soul guides also have names. However, in giving us their names they may change their name to something easier for us to pronounce. For example, my guide Gabriel is not really named Gabriel (though Yeshua is really named Yeshua). That is the name he wishes me to call him by.
Groups of guides may live in a physical or spiritual community similar to the communities we have here on earth. Some guides manifest as male or female, and some appear to be androgynous. Others may have no physical form at all, but rather may manifest as colors, spirit animals or shapes. How your guide manifests is not as important as the fact that it manifests.
Most people are so caught up in the image of ascended spiritual beings (particularly extraterrestrial beings) as presented in the media that they wonder why their guide does not manifest as they expected it to manifest. Let go of traditional images of ascended being/extraterrestrial meeting scenarios and let whatever happens happen.
It is possible to accidentally “meet” your guide under some circumstance, such as in a dream state. However, meeting your guide after undergoing a hypnotic trance makes the meeting easier to accomplish. Hypnosis helps to bypass the materialistic barriers of the culturally conditioned conscious mind, and allows a person to go deep into the subconscious mind.
Before meeting your ascended soul guide, it is important to understand what it means to be a channel. Simply put, a channel is a conduit through which an ascended guide transmits wisdom to the channel for the good of self and humanity. Being a channel is a special opportunity, and each individual should be thankful for the opportunity to assist their guides in spreading light and love throughout the world.
Most people find that their guide transmits messages in keeping with the channel’s personal interests and goals. For example, if a person works as a complementary therapist their guide may transmit wisdom in new healing techniques or energy manipulation. As you begin to channel you will discover how in touch your guide is with your individual passion.
A channel is not a slave or servant. A channel maintains full control over his or her body, unless he or she willingly gives up that control. Our ascended soul guides do not wish to control us, but to assist us in spreading wisdom throughout the world or in sharing personal wisdom to help in our daily lives. Do not be afraid that your guide will somehow possess you and that you will lose your personality. You have the right to say yes or no to your guide.
To note before closing this chapter, presently there are “humans” all around the world who are actually ascended soul beings. Most of these beings know they are ascended beings/extraterrestrials, and they are here for a specific spiritual or humanitarian purpose. It is possible that they were either born naturally on earth or descended to earth to fulfill their mission.
It is entirely possible that we have come into contact with such beings often in our daily routines. Perhaps you have had an experience with a person who helped you in a time of need or said something that changed your life. Then, after meeting they somehow simply disappeared, and you were never able to contact them again. Most of us have had experiences like this, and it is a good possibility that this experience was with an ascended being in human form.
My guides, Gabriel and Yeshua, refuse to give me any information on current beings that are ascended masters in human form. Without their direct word of knowledge about such beings, I will not speculate. Part of the reason they refuse to give such knowledge is to prevent personality cults from being built around such beings.
Most of the ascended masters in human form are here to perform a task, and need not be bothered by multitudes of people attempting to worship them. I have been informed of two past ascended master incarnations. Gabriel has told me that Mother Theresa was an extraterrestrial ascended soul master in human form as was Mahatma Gandhi. Yeshua, one of my own ascended guides, was incarnated on earth as Jesus Christ.
Everyone has met his or her ascended soul guides before, but this may have only happened before your physical birth. Before being born, each person chooses a guide to work with him or her in physical life. This guide will help with life decisions and trials during the lifetime of its channel.
For many children imaginary playmates and such are actually ascended soul guides. Children are much better at tuning into the guide frequencies and recognizing their ascended guides. Adulthood comes with a skeptical mindset towards the fanciful; therefore many adults find it difficult to believe in ascended guides/extraterrestrials. Congratulations on getting beyond that mental barrier!
Questions for Reflection
1. What will your ascended soul guide look like? What do you want your guide to look like?
2. How many ascended soul guides does each person have?
3. Why don’t most people realize the existence of their ascended soul guides?
4. How are ascended soul guides different from angels?
5. Why is it necessary to begin having feelings of love and invitation toward your ascended soul guide before you actually meet him or her?
6. Why is hypnosis useful in meeting your ascended soul guide?