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When you write a biographical study of someone, you become the object of outpourings of collegiality. On numerous occasions, when they found new information on Memphis Minnie, fellow researchers passed along their discoveries to us. Without their help, this book could not have taken its current expanded shape.

The basic content of the book remains the same, but there have been many additions. We have added many more names and dates for Minnie’s nightclub and theater appearances; many new photos, including a previously unknown photo of Minnie; and new (and corrected) vital statistics about Minnie’s place of birth and early childhood.

We have brought the discography up to date, listing all the Memphis Minnie CDs (and LPs) that have been issued since the first discography went to press in 1992. We have included a selection of Minnie’s appearance on compilation CDs that also feature other artists, as well. Because Minnie’s CDs have become so numerous, we have supplied a separate CD/LP title list at the end of the discography.

Woman with Guitar

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