Читать книгу Creating an Eco-Friendly Home & Workplace - Paul Hymers - Страница 15

Installing a new light tube


Light tubes, or sunpipes, first appeared in the early 1990s and have occupied a tiny space in the market since then for internal bathrooms and corridors, but they are no longer expensive. Of the hundreds of building projects I become involved in each year, I only get to see a handful of these being installed; mostly they are in school corridors, which is a shame because they have the ability to effectively channel daylight into dark parts of our homes – daylight that keeps us from switching on light bulbs. In schools, where daytime use is predominant, the payback time on light tubes is thought to be as little as four years, but unfortunately in homes, you could look at ten years as being more likely because they are now cheaper to buy.

Creating an Eco-Friendly Home & Workplace

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