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This book has been the result of almost 20 years of campus ministry experience, the last 10 working directly with university professors. As one of the leading cultural shaping institutions in the world, I’m convinced that the university is an incredibly strategic mission field for the gospel. I believe God cares about the ideas and the people that live and work in the academy as well as the students who arrive each year to study. While I myself have now crossed the divide from campus minister to professor, my passion remains to see the resources of the whole campus leveraged and taken to the whole world under the banner of Christ. It is for this reason that I write this book. My hope and prayer is that God will use it to encourage, challenge, and inspire a new movement of professors within the university who passionately connect all that they are and do to the glorious riches of the gospel.

Paul M. Gould

Fort Worth, Texas

August 15, 2014

The Outrageous Idea of the Missional Professor

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