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This book would never have come to be without the example, as a young Christian and college student, of those older in the faith who loved, discipled, challenged, and called me to live for something greater than self. Thanks to Rick Jones, Mark Brown, Mike Erre, Roger Hershey, and Stan Wallace. I thank those students with whom I’ve had the privilege, in turn, to disciple as a campus minister—Andrew Chapin, Baron Luechauer, Greg Thompson, David Clady, and many more. I’m grateful for my years as a campus minister with CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) and specifically, for the ten years serving with Faculty Commons, the faculty ministry of CRU.

Many thanks to Cultural Encounters for permission to include portions of my essay “The Consequences of (Some) Ideas: A Review Essay of James Davison Hunter’s To Change the World” within chapter 7. Thanks also to Christian Higher Education, for permission to include a modified version of my “An Essay on Academic Disciplines, Faithfulness, and the Christian Scholar” as chapter 8.

Thanks to Rich McGee, Bill Hager, David Dehuff, Ceil Wilson, Steve Pogue, Corey Miller, and Brad Fulton who all read selected chapters and offered helpful feedback. I give a special thanks to Rick Wade who read and edited the entire manuscript fixing many grammatical and typographical errors. Finally, I thank my loving wife Ethel and our children—Austin, Madeleine, Travis, and Joshua. I write this with the hope that our family will be a missional family and that each of you children will live missional lives in whatever context the Lord calls you to in the future.

The Outrageous Idea of the Missional Professor

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