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This edition is dedicated to the memory of Mervyn Shear, who must first be acknowledged for his research and scholarship over many years that laid the foundations for all the editions of this book. For this edition I specifically acknowledge Mervyn's support and permission to restructure the book and to undertake a complete rewrite of the text, with an increased emphasis on some basic principles and on histopathology and differential diagnosis that may broaden the scope of the book, making it more accessible to a wider range of students and clinicians.

As in previous editions, we have relied heavily on the support and assistance of colleagues and on the research and scholarship of our predecessors. In particular, I would like to draw attention to a number of outstanding giants of the subject on whose shoulders we stand, and who are heavily cited in the text or with whom, over many years, we have shared and discussed cases: Mario Altini, Jerry Bouquot, Roger Browne, Roman Carlos, Geoff Craig, Ricardo Gomez, Robert Gorlin, Malcolm Harris, Jos Hille, Fumio Ide, Ivor Kramer, TieJun Li, Hans Philipsen, Jens Pindborg, Finn Prætorius, Peter Reichart, Paul Stoelinga, Takashi Takata, Paul Toller, Willie van Heerden, Pablo Vargas, and John Wright. Some of these are no longer with us, some I have never met, but most have become good friends and colleagues.

For the preparation of this fifth edition I would like to thank my colleagues, past and present, in the Unit of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, University of Sheffield, for their patience, for many discussions and critical comments on the text, and for their assistance in retrieving and photographing cases. Daniel Brierley, Geoff Craig, Lisette Collins, Paula Farthing, Keith Hunter, and Ali Khurram have commented freely on my thoughts and ideas about cysts and have also provided assistance in finding appropriate cases for the illustrations. Chris Franklin and Adam Jones have allowed me access to their data on the incidence of cysts and oral biopsies.

Many colleagues have selflessly provided clinical pictures, radiographs, and photomicrographs, and a number of publishers have allowed us to reproduce figures that have been previously published. For this we are very grateful, and each has been acknowledged in the relevant figure legends.

A major aim of this new edition was to broaden the readership and make the text more accessible to students, trainees, and non‐specialist pathologists and clinicians. A number of colleagues have been kind enough to read early drafts of chapters and freely provided very helpful and constructive comments that have facilitated this aim: Daniel Brierley, Lisette Collins, Paula Farthing, Ali Khurram, Liam Robinson, Willie van Heerden, and John Wright.

I am also especially grateful to my colleague and friend Professor John Wright, who very kindly agreed to write the forward to this edition.

Shear's Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions

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