Читать книгу Shear's Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions - Paul M. Speight - Страница 15

Cysts of the Jaws Odontogenic Cysts


The odontogenic cysts have been divided into cysts of inflammatory origin and cysts of developmental origin. These are convenient categories, since it is clearly understood that the inflammatory odontogenic cysts arise as a result of proliferation of odontogenic epithelium driven by chronic inflammation, resulting from either pulpitis or pericoronitis. The pathogenesis of the developmental cysts is less well understood, however, and in some cases there is evidence for a neoplastic origin. The pathogenic mechanisms involved in cyst development are discussed in Chapter 2, and details for each cyst type are presented in each chapter. Although these categories are widely used, they are not definitive, since some cysts classified as developmental may have an inflammatory origin. In particular, a variant of dentigerous cyst may be inflammatory in nature (see Chapter 5). In each category the cysts are listed in order of their approximate frequency (Tables 1.11.3).

Shear's Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions

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