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The advantages of Solver


Yes, Goal Seek and Solver are both iterative, but that doesn’t make them equal. In fact, Solver brings a number of advantages to the table:

 Solver enables you to specify multiple adjustable cells. You can use up to 200 adjustable cells in all.

 Solver enables you to set up constraints on the adjustable cells. For example, you can tell Solver to find a solution that not only maximizes profit but also satisfies certain conditions, such as achieving a gross margin between 20 and 30 percent or keeping expenses less than $100,000. These conditions are said to be constraints on the solution.

 Solver seeks not only a desired result (the “goal” in Goal Seek) but also the optimal one. For example, looking for an optimal result might mean that you can find a solution that’s the maximum or minimum possible.

 For complex problems, Solver can generate multiple solutions. You can then save these different solutions under different scenarios.

Excel Data Analysis For Dummies

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