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Save a Solver solution as a scenario
ОглавлениеWhenever you have a spreadsheet model that uses a coherent set of input values — known as changing cells — you have what Excel calls a scenario. With Solver, these changing cells are its variable cells, so a Solver solution amounts to a kind of scenario. However, Solver does not give you an easy way to save and rerun a particular solution. To work around this problem, you can save a solution as a scenario that you can then later recall using Excel’s scenario manager feature.
Follow these steps to save a Solver solution as a scenario:
1 Choose Data ⇒ Solver.Excel opens the Solver Parameters dialog box.
2 Use the Set Objective box, the To group, the By Changing Variable Cells box, and the Subject to the Constraints list to set up Solver as I describe in the “Optimizing a result with Solver” section, previously in this chapter.
3 Click Solve.
4 Anytime the Show Trial Solution dialog box appears, choose Continue.When the optimization is complete, Excel displays the Solver Results dialog box.
5 Click Save Scenario.Excel displays the Save Scenario dialog box.
6 In the Scenario Name dialog box, type a name for the scenario and then click OK.Excel returns you to the Solver Results dialog box.
7 Select the Keep Solver Solution option.If you don’t want to accept the result, select the Restore Original Values option instead.
8 Click OK.