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Help! He Won’t Stop Crying – a Grandparents’ Checklist


Pick him up, cuddle him and gently rock him over your shoulder as you walk about the room. Talk gently to him or sing to him to soothe him. Still crying? Could it be that he is:



 wet or dirty?

 too hot or cold?

 uncomfortable – might, for instance, the nappy tabs be chafing his legs?

 missing Mummy or Daddy?


 in pain?


Once you have offered food, changed the nappy, removed or added a layer of clothing, offered stimulation, the chance to sleep or whatever else you think the baby needs, the crying should stop. But if it doesn’t, don’t panic – it’s very unlikely to be anything serious. Try playing the baby some music, strapping on the sling (if your back will take it) and walking about, or even – a famous last resort – taking him for a drive in his car seat. After about half an hour of crying, though, it’s usually best to contact the parents – if you can. They may have the answer or may at least come to relieve you! But if they are not available and you are concerned that the child might be ill, don’t hesitate to call the baby’s or your own doctor.

Your First Grandchild: Useful, touching and hilarious guide for first-time grandparents

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