Читать книгу The Great Galveston Disaster - Paul Lester - Страница 60



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No liquor is permitted to be sold under any circumstances, unless ordered by the chairman of one of the committees or by a physician, who must state that it is to be used for medicinal purposes. All persons not having business on the streets after dark must be identified before they will be allowed to pass. Unless identification is forthcoming they are arrested. No person is allowed to work in or about any building unless he has a written permit signed by the Chief of Police or Deputy Chief. No person is permitted to carry furniture or other property through the streets unless he has a written permit from the proper authority. No gambling is permitted, and any violations of this rule are prosecuted to the fullest extent.

During the storm Saturday night the young men of the Boddiker family, with the aid of a skiff, rescued over forty people and took them to the University building, where they found shelter.

The organization of forces under the able administration of General Scurry was observable on every hand, and the chaotic condition of the city was being supplanted by a vigor of action that portended restoration in the near future. Private enterprise went to work and the people took heart.

The Great Galveston Disaster

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