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Governor Sayres made the following statement to the Associated Press on the flood situation:

“Conditions at Galveston are fully as bad as reported. Communication, however, has been re-established between the island and the mainland, and hereafter transportation of supplies will be less difficult. The work of clearing the city is progressing fairly well, and Adjutant General Scurry, under direction of the Mayor, is patrolling the city for the purpose of preventing depredations. The most conservative estimate as to the number of dead places them at 2,000. Contributions from citizens of this State and also from other States are coming in rapidly and liberally, and it is confidently expected that within the next ten days the work of restoration by the people of Galveston will have begun in good earnest and with energy and success. Of course, the destruction of property has been very great—not less than $10,000,000, but it is hoped and believed that even this great loss will be overcome through the energy and self-reliance of the people.”

During the day the contributions have fairly deluged the Governor, upwards of $100,000 having been received. Among the large contributors are to be noted the Standard Oil Company, with $10,000; St. Louis Commercial Club for a like amount, and the Huntington interests for $5,000.

The Great Galveston Disaster

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