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J. W. B. Smith, who went to Galveston from Denver, was in Saturday night’s storm, and reached Houston, after having an experience which he will remember the remainder of his life.

He started from the city on Monday afternoon, and in walking from the foot of Broadway to the Santa Fe bridge, counted two hundred dead bodies hung up on wire fences, to say nothing of those floating in the water. He constructed a raft out of planks, and in company with Clegg Stewart, made for the mainland, which they reached after hours of exposure.

In every direction crossing the bay they saw the feet of corpses sticking out of the water. Upon reaching land they walked to Hitchcock, Mr. Stewart’s home, and found that twenty-five persons had lost their lives there, and that, in addition, fifty bodies that had floated ashore had been buried near there.

The Great Galveston Disaster

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