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The Galveston local relief committee sent out the following:

“We are receiving numerous telegrams of condolence and offers of assistance. As the telegraph wires are burdened, we beg the Associated Press to communicate this response to all. Nearby cities are supplying and will supply sufficient food, clothing, etc., for immediate needs. Cities farther away can serve us best by sending money. Checks should be made payable to John Sealy, Chairman of the Finance Committee.

“All supplies should come to W. A. McVitie, Chairman Relief Committee. We have 25,000 people to clothe and feed, for many weeks, and to furnish with household goods. Most of these are homeless and the others require money to make their wrecked residences habitable. From this the world may understand how much money we will need. This committee will, from time to time, report our needs with more particularity. We refer to despatch of this date of Major R. G. Lowe, which the committee fully endorses.

“All communicants will please accept this answer in lieu of direct response and be assured of the heartfelt gratitude of the entire population.

[Signed] “W. C. Jones, Mayor.”

The Great Galveston Disaster

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