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Fumitory and Poppy Families
ОглавлениеCommon Fumitory
Common Fumitory Fumaria officinalis (Fumariaceae) HEIGHT to 10cm
Scrambling annual of well-drained arable soils. FLOWERS 6–7mm long, pink with crimson tips, spurred and 2-lipped, the lower petal paddle-shaped; in elongating spikes (Apr–Oct). FRUITS Globular, 1-seeded. LEAVES Grey-green, much divided; lobes all in one plane. STATUS Widespread and common.
Common Ramping-fumitory
Common Ramping-fumitory
Common Ramping-fumitory Fumaria muralis (Fumariaceae) HEIGHT to 10cm
Spreading or upright annual of arable land, banks and walls. FLOWERS 9–11mm long, pinkish purple with dark tips, the lower petal almost parallel-sided (not paddle-shaped) with erect margins; in spikes of 12–15 flowers (Apr–Oct). FRUITS Globular, 1-seeded. LEAVES Much divided. STATUS Widespread and fairly common.
Tall Ramping-fumitory
Tall Ramping-fumitory Fumaria bastardii (Fumariaceae) HEIGHT to 15cm
Robust upright annual of arable fields and waste ground. FLOWERS 9–11mm long, pink with a purple tip, the lower petal parallel-sided (not paddle-shaped); in spikes of 15–25 flowers (Apr–Oct). FRUITS Globular, 1-seeded. LEAVES Much divided. STATUS Widespread and fairly common only in W.
Climbing Corydalis
Climbing Corydalis Ceratocapnos claviculata (Fumariaceae) HEIGHT to 70cm
Delicate, climbing annual of woodland and scrub, mainly on acid soils. FLOWERS Creamy white, 5–6mm long; in clusters (June–Sep). FRUITS 2-to 3-seeded capsules. LEAVES Much divided, ending in tendrils that assist climbing. STATUS Widespread and common in W Britain but rare in Ireland.
Yellow Corydalis
Yellow Corydalis Pseudofumaria lutea (Fumariaceae) HEIGHT to 30cm
Tufted, hairless perennial found on rocky ground and old walls. FLOWERS 12–18mm long, bright yellow, 2-lipped; in clusters opposite the upper leaves (May–Sep). FRUITS Capsules. LEAVES 2 to 3 times pinnately divided; greyish green. STATUS Naturalised as a garden escape.
Common Poppy
Common Poppy
Common Poppy Papaver rhoeas (Papaveraceae) HEIGHT to 60cm
Annual of arable land and disturbed ground. FLOWERS 6–8cm across with 4 papery, overlapping scarlet petals (often dark at the base); on slender stalks with spreading hairs (June–Aug). FRUITS Ovoid, flat-topped capsules. LEAVES Much divided into narrow segments. STATUS Widespread, commonest in S and E England; scarce in the north and west.
Long-headed Poppy
Long-headed Poppy Papaver dubium (Papaveraceae) HEIGHT to 60cm
Annual of arable land and disturbed ground. FLOWERS 3–7cm across with 4 papery, orange-red overlapping petals with no dark basal blotch; on stalks with appressed hairs (June–Aug). FRUITS Narrow, elongated, hairless capsules. LEAVES Much divided into narrow segments. STATUS Widespread and fairly common, including the north.
Rough Poppy
Rough Poppy
Rough Poppy Papaver hybridum (Papaveraceae) HEIGHT to 40cm
Hairy annual of arable fields, mainly on calcareous soils. FLOWERS 2–5cm across with 4 crimson, overlapping petals with dark-blotched bases; on hairy stalks (June–Aug). FRUITS Ovoid to spherical with spreading, yellowish hairs. LEAVES Much divided and bristle-tipped. STATUS Scarce and declining, mainly in S England.
Prickly Poppy
Prickly Poppy Papaver argemone (Papaveraceae) HEIGHT to 30cm
Delicate annual of arable land, mainly on sandy soils. FLOWERS 2–6cm across with 4 pale red petals that typically do not overlap but which do have a dark basal blotch (May–Aug). FRUITS Narrow, elongated and ribbed with prickle-like bristles. LEAVES Much divided; bristle-tipped. STATUS Local and scarce, mainly in S England.
See also Western Ramping-fumitory