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1. Word from the author


I confess that in the first health-improving groups, we practically did not pay attention to vision problems. I was more interested in restoring the joints, heart and spine, getting rid of renal and hepatic colic, normalizing blood pressure. As they say – who hurts.


There is a version that whales die not from old age, but because of the fading of vision. And not just whales. Whether we like it or not, the quality of life is directly related to the condition of our eyes. It is not surprising that over the years, the true value of vision for all people increases rapidly. And that’s understandable. Like it or not, hearing and vision are the two most important channels for perceiving the world. Without them, no human development would be possible. And it’s not only development that matters here, I have already mentioned the quality of life, and it is sight and hearing that allow people to simply enjoy life. Hearing is music, voices, a sea of all sorts of harmonies. Thanks to vision, we enjoy natural landscapes, paintings by great artists, fall in love, study, acquire professions, escape from dangers.

Nevertheless, it should be recognized: for the most part, we do not protect our eyesight. Improper sleep, nutrition, hard work behind the screen – everything has its own detrimental effect. So our wellness group began to think more and more about issues that had not bothered us before. The number of “bespectacled” people increased, and my own one hundred percent vision, which seemed to me unchanged, eventually began to acquire positive diopters. And then, as if on purpose, fate began to bring me together with blind people. It so happened that as part of the creative groups of actors and writers, I was increasingly invited to boarding schools for the blind and libraries for the visually impaired. Then I had to get acquainted with books published in Braille, and at the same time experience for myself what it is like to live in eternal darkness, on test walks (and we were blindfolded with dark scarves), relying solely on hearing and a cane. It is not surprising that my book “The Tower”, dedicated to a blind girl, was soon born, and I am sincerely glad that the book won the sympathy of many readers.

One way or another, but the topic of vision has ceased to be extraneous for me. And it was then that our wellness group began testing the most popular treatment methods. Fortunately for us, there were not so few of them. In any case, pretty soon we realized that the eyes are the front on which you can win very real victories…

Save your vision

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