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2. Glasses or lenses – which is better?


The question is not as simple as it might seem. In any case, many ask them.

Yes, glasses and lenses have certain advantages. Glasses are simple and familiar, in some cases they are solid and pretty, and the same lenses are completely invisible, do not deprive us of mobility, and are comfortable to wear.

But both have their obvious drawbacks.

For example, glasses brutally rub the bridge of the nose, leaving an ugly mark on the skin. And they also tend to fall, break, get lost at the most unfortunate moments. With lenses of all kinds of troubles – no less. They need to be stored in special containers, changed regularly, and the procedure for putting them on requires accuracy and special hygiene. But the most important thing is that in terms of therapeutic prospects, neither glasses nor lenses give practically anything.

Causing rapid addiction, in most cases, glasses contribute to the deterioration of vision. In the case of lenses, we have a similar situation, to which serious risks of infection of the eyes with certain infections are added. The constant need to remove and put on eye films does not have the best effect on the microflora of the eye. Infections and inflammations are becoming common, and people have to put additional medicines in their eyes. As a result, vision deteriorates even more rapidly than when wearing glasses.

Of course, a lot changes, and every year presents us with glasses and lenses of new generations. These innovations seriously help people, but at the same time they still do not solve the main problem – they DO NOT restore vision. In addition, it should be recognized that the price of high-quality glasses and lenses is quite high.

Probably, you can give up on everything – wait for the development of a cataract, and then fork out for a surgical operation, resorting to a surgical operation and putting bifocal or even trifocal lenses on yourself. It would seem that the problem is solved, however, even here nature cannot be bypassed along a curve. Why? Yes, because these high-tech lenses require reverent care. Like the old natural lenses, they can become cloudy over time and require regular cleaning.

Probably, in the coming decades, medical scientists will learn how to produce natural lenses, or even grow entirely donor eyes. But how soon will this happen? And will it be available to everyone? You and I live in today’s real conditions, and we don’t want to wait long. Therefore, we have to choose from what is available. And since people manage to revive blood vessels and capillaries on their own, heal joints, restore the functions of the kidneys, heart and liver, then we are also capable of a lot in helping our eyesight. This is what we will talk about in the following chapters, where I will share the experience of people, without operations and drugs, who have achieved impressive results in saving their eyesight.

Save your vision

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