Читать книгу Cycle: Land of the Dragon. Selection: Choice or Destiny. Book One - Pazii Anna - Страница 18

Chapter 18


Nadine was absent from the dinner (departed to her parents after her brother), and Rosalind took her place. I warned her I wouldn’t be able to walk in the park this afternoon because of His Majesty’s invitation, but I promised to look in her chambers the next day.

I warned her I wouldn’t be able to walk in the park this afternoon because of His Majesty’s invitation, but I promised to look in her chambers the next day.

At the appointed time, I entered the office of the heir, which consisted of three rooms: the first room was a conference room, in which up to fifty people could be accommodated. The second hall, which was used most often, housed up to twelve subjects. But I was taken to a third – a small cabinet with a fireplace. Its wall is lined with a dark tree, a window with a view of the garden, unexpectedly cozy.

– Come in, sit down in the chair by the fireplace. Wine?

– Yes, thank you very much.

Ridon poured two glasses of red wine, he gave me one, and with the second he located in the chair opposite. I admired the glare of fire, taste wine and waited for an invitation to talk. Heir treated me, the wine did not touch. I didn’t dare start a conversation.

It was raining outside the window, it charged from lunch and now sounded quiet in the background, along with the crackling logs.

– Catherine, as I understand from talking to Emirenom, you are asking to allocate funds. Have you made a list?

– Your Majesty, you see, the money I need is for a gift to you, and it has to be a surprise. So, can I not get into the details of what I’m spending?

– Try it out

– I need 140,000 on the development of the artifact, the creation of which will take at least a month. But before I give it to you, it s require to test during a couple more weeks. If testing goes well, then after a month and a half I'll give it to you, and you will give the magician certificate of invention.

– I wonder … Who’s going to test? It is dangerous?

– The assignment of the artifact itself is not dangerous at all. But Weedon says that no one before us did multifunctional artifact, so he is not sure of the stability and wants to check whether there is no side effects.

– You intrigued me, Katrin. We’ll give you half by the end of the week, the other half after the test, but with one condition: I want to to be watching the results of the test. Is there anything else?

– You know, maybe it's the wine gives me the courage to voice one more wish, but I will understand if you will be surprised of my arrogance and refuse.

– You are amazing Catherine – he leaned forward. I didn’t notice when his glass was emptied, and the heir meanwhile put him on a low table with a little knocking and returned to his original position. – your speech does not seem to me provincial, but all the same words and phrases that you eat sometimes I have not heard before. – the sound of rain on the glass became clearer, I held my breath, and even seem slight intoxication wine melted. – But I digress, voice your desire.

– You know that I lived a pretty closed. I would like to see the real world. I’m asking you to let me go on a trip. I understand that a request may seem insolence, but maybe I can not only learn something new for yourself, but also be of some use? Start learn mood or identify issues on which you do not know, visit settlements of people.

– Catherine, and do not you accidentally forget why you're in a castle?

– What? – I'm honestly surprised.

– You see, Catherine, the people on this project are trying to win my heart and capture my attention. They come up with surprises, they show the most beautiful dresses, they celebrate any kind of attention, even if it’s a short walk in the park. Not only are you avoiding me, but the only wish you’re expressing is to get as far away as possible – the heir rose from his chair and walked to the window, I admire of his back and somehow try to deal with goosebumps fear that travel through my body – Moreover, I understand that you are waiting for that i will finance it – he turned to face me, leaning on the window sill.

I peered at him , hesitating to put my glass, which still had red fluid at the bottom of it is still splashing red liquid, slightly swinging it, hiding the trembling of my fingers

– But I'll give you a gift, Your Majesty, is not a sign of attention? And I'll go on a trip in the surroundings of your subjects, not earlier than three months (for such a serious journey must be prepared).

– For some reason, it seems to me that you most curious result of the experiment and the ability to obtain funding from the treasury of the empire, not my response to the presentation of a gift and a possible pleasure from it.

We stood in a duel views. Overall, the Heir is correct in his accusations. I’m not seriously considering it as a possible husband (though if you add a couple of glasses and leave the lighting like this. Like now.)

I need Artifacts more to survive really , but i can not to admit .

When silence lingered, the Heir said:

– Well, let's proceed as follows. An artifact money will be allocated. To make a travel decision, you have to prepare more detailed information: which lands you would like to visit , which establishments and we will return to the discussion in two weeks. The second condition, you have to prepare me a gift. But one that will target it to me. So you told something about the socks ?

– Yes, Your Majesty, but you and without them hot, and I knit bad. But well, the conditions are accepted. From me description of where and why, and a gift like socks. I will go? Outside the window was dark, we probably time for dinner.

– Yes you are right. But I need to work, and will eat in office. I said goodbye, but in the dining room did not go, asked to file into the room. And what to present? This thought occupied my mind all the time remaining before bedtime

Cycle: Land of the Dragon. Selection: Choice or Destiny. Book One

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