Читать книгу Cycle: Land of the Dragon. Selection: Choice or Destiny. Book One - Pazii Anna - Страница 19

Chapter 19


In the morning I took out a notebook, which Elegelika presented me to practice (my days so full of events and thoughts that i didn't start study the alphabet , but I firmly promised that allocated for a class a couple of hours tomorrow). I need a notebook today to simply distribute the options.

So I divided sheet of notebook to two columns for possible gifts and for commenting in the second:

1. Bake a cake // I do not know how to look like a furnace here

2. Knitting, sewing / i'm bad in it

3. Sing // I can play a little guitar, but whether there is such a tool here.

4. Portrait // possible, but it would be a caricature, and it can be offended.

5. Maybe there is a souvenir? Shirt and socks, brandy, cup, certificate …// no, he is not an ordinally man

6. I need to see what theatrical productions are going on, maybe buy tickets?

I feel like before February 23, and all seems silly and trivial, but because turning the leaf started to draw Dragon with flowers in their teeth before the tower with the princess. It at least distract from the sprawling thoughts.

After drawing a leaf from a notebook, i made an envelope from a blank sheet and drew a dragon with a kitten on it. And maybe the envelope would never have made it to the addressee, but at that point, I got a knock.

The young man (his name was Richard, I recently asked, accompanies me every day, and was silent all the time) went to my room. He nodded, but when he saw, the envelope in my hands stretched out his hands, asking to whom to send.

– Do not worry, it's for the heir, I'll find a way to send – I mumbled.

But Richard did not give up and took envelope – I will I'll send it through the Secretary of His Majesty, while you have breakfast. I will be glad to help you.

And I had no choice how to give him my letter, stupid to retreat. Nevertheless, no signature. Maybe he wouldn't guess? And, if he guess, would forgive me this little prank?

That evening, I received an answer to that question. On the table beside the bed, lay a living rose, and under it the envelope, inside picture: Tower Princess, to the tower of the charge of stairs, and the stairs down happy and fat dragon, in the teeth it holds a rescued sad kitten.

Cycle: Land of the Dragon. Selection: Choice or Destiny. Book One

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