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How some knights set out from the city of the Kings to meet the Viceroy, and of his departure from San Miguel for Truxillo.

The members of the municipality of the city of the Kings having determined to send persons to meet the Viceroy, they appointed the Factor Yllan Suarez de Carbajal[16], the Captain Diego de Aguero[17], both Magistrates, and Juan de Barbaran Procurator of the city. With them there went Pablo de Meneses[18], Lorenzo de Estopiñam, Sebastian de Coca, Hernando de Vargas, Rodrigo Nuñez de Prado and others. Among them was the Friar Esidro of the order of Dominicans, who went by order of the most reverend Don Jeronimo de Loaysa, Bishop of the city of the Kings.

Leaving those I have mentioned to proceed on their journey, we will return to Blasco Nuñez who, after he had done what has been related in the city of San Miguel and its dependencies, determined to proceed to Truxillo, and accordingly he set out accompanied by his followers.

The Factor, with those who went with him from the city of the Kings, travelled on until they came to some buildings called “Las Perdrices[19]” ten leagues from that city; intending to wait there until they met the Viceroy. Presently a Spaniard arrived in great haste and came to them. His name was Ochoa, and he said that he came with despatches from the Viceroy to the municipality of the city of the Kings and to Vaca de Castro. This was true, for the Viceroy had sent him in advance. The Factor Yllan Suarez de Carbajal, the Captain Diego de Aguero, as Magistrates, and Juan de Barbaran as Procurator opened the parcel. They found in it a copy of the appointment which his Majesty gave to Blasco Nuñez as Viceroy, and a letter for Vaca de Castro, ordering him no longer to exercise the functions of Governor, and to come to the city of the Kings. For the municipality of the city of the Kings there was another letter, ordering the members to receive Blasco Nuñez as Viceroy, by virtue of the order he sent, and no longer to look upon Vaca de Castro as Governor. The report was that this Viceroy, from the time he entered the kingdom, held the affairs of Vaca de Castro as odious, and that he favoured those who had taken the side of Don Diego de Almagro. These are vulgar rumours, and I do not know how much truth there is in them[20].

These despatches having been seen by the Factor and the others, they were delighted at the hostility shown in them to Vaca de Castro, and they decided that Juan de Barbaran, as Procurator, should go back with the news. He returned in all haste to the city of the Kings and, having arrived, he rushed through the streets as if the land had rebelled against the service of the King, shouting—“Liberty! the Lord Viceroy is coming, see here are his despatches.” On hearing this there entered the town hall the Treasurer Alonso Riquelme, the Overseer Garcia de Saucedo, Juan de Leon, Francisco Ampuero, Nicolas de Ribera the lad, Alonso Palomino, Nicolas de Ribera the elder, being Magistrates.

The royal provision of his Majesty ordered that, by its authority, Blasco Nuñez should be received as Viceroy. But the document was merely a copy, by which Blasco Nuñez could not then be received as Viceroy. They met three times without being able to decide. At last, more on account of the enmity to Vaca de Castro than for any other reason it was resolved that the Viceroy should be received in the city in accordance with the order. When they were in session they sent for the Licentiate Esquivel, a native of the city of Badajos, who, wishing to further the service of the Emperor, gave his vote that they should receive Blasco Nuñez as their Viceroy. This being done the Licentiate proceeded to Truxillo to join the Viceroy and offer his services. He sent a statement of these proceedings to Vaca de Castro, with the letter of the Viceroy. The Licentiate de la Gama[21], who was the lieutenant of Esquivel, notwithstanding that the Viceroy had written to him in a friendly way, left the city to meet Vaca de Castro, leaving the Magistrates in charge. They gave the rod of office to Juan de Barbaran, and made public the appointment of the Viceroy, which is as follows:

“Don Carlos by divine clemency Emperor, always august, King of Germany; Doña Juana his mother, and the same Don Carlos, by the same grace Kings of Castille, of Aragon, of Leon, of the Sicilies, of Jerusalem, of Navarre, of Granada, of Toledo, of Valencia, of Galicia, of Majorca, of Seville, of Sardinia, of Cordova, of Corsica, of Murcia, of Jaen, of the Algarves, of Algesiras, of Gibraltar, of the Canary Isles, and the Indies and Tierra Firme of the Ocean Sea; Count of Barcelona, Lord of Vizcaya and Molina, Duke of Athens and Neopatria, Count of Flanders and of Tyrol. We, seeing that it will be for the furtherance of our service and for the good of our province of New Castille called Peru, have seen fit to nominate a person who in our name and as our Viceroy will govern and provide for all things appertaining to God our Lord, and to the increase of our Holy Catholic Faith, and to the instruction and conversion of the natives of that land; and also provide for all things conducive to the maintenance, peopling, and securing the welfare of the said New Castille and its provinces; for this purpose, confiding in you Blasco Nuñez Vela, and because we believe that our service will be furthered and the good of the said province of New Castille, and that you will discharge the said office of our Viceroy and Governor with that prudence and fidelity we expect from you, we, by these presents, nominate you our Viceroy and Governor of the said New Castille and its dependencies during our good pleasure. As such Viceroy and Governor, both in all that appertains to the instruction and conversion of the said Indians to our Holy Catholic Faith, and in the increase of population and prosperity of the said land, you are to act as may be convenient. By this letter we order the Licentiate Vaca de Castro our present Governor of the said province, our President and Judges of the Royal Court we have ordered to be established in our city of the Kings, our Captain Generals and Captains of the said land, all Councillors, Justices, Magistrates, Knights, Esquires, Officers, and Citizens in all our cities, towns, and villages in the said New Castille, who are now or shall hereafter be settled there, and each one of them, without any delay and without further waiting for any other letter or command, to receive and hold as our Viceroy and Governor of the said New Castille, called Peru and its dependencies, and to freely consent that you shall occupy and use those appointments during our royal pleasure, in all things, and each one of them, that shall be for the good of our service and good government, and all, while they hold their offices, shall obey and comply with your orders while you shall give all favour and help that they may seek for, and that may be necessary, and in all things they shall obey you, and cause no obstruction to your orders. We give you power to use and exercise authority over them. It is also our good pleasure that if you the said Blasco Nuñez Vela are hindered in the furtherance of our service, or in the execution of our justice, you are empowered to banish any person who is now or may be hereafter in the said province of New Castille or its dependencies. We further order that you shall receive each year, for your two offices of Viceroy and Governor of the said land, 5000 ducats counted from the day you make sail from the port of San Lucar de Barrameda to proceed on your voyage to our said province of Peru, and we order our officers of the said province that they give and pay your due in the manner in use in the said land, receiving your acknowledgment. Given in the town of Madrid on the 1st day of March 1543 I the King.”

The War of Quito

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