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How the Captain Gonzalo Pizarro entered the city of Cuzco, where he found coldness and ill-will among most of the citizens; and what the Viceroy did in Truxillo.

At the time when these events were taking place Garcia de Montalvo was Lieutenant-Governor of Cuzco for Vaca de Castro. He and the Alcaldes and magistrates of that city knew of the coming of Gonzalo Pizarro and that he was close at hand. After they had held a meeting to decide what they should do, they decided that they would go out to meet him with some show of pleasure, thinking that he would not boast or pretend to being more than Procurator-General of the kingdom. So all went out to meet him and gave him a joyful welcome. He went to lodge in his houses or palaces. Many of the citizens visited him but little, and showed that those who contemplated violence were not to answer for all. Others, on the other hand, made him great offers, urging him, without minding difficulties, to go on with what he had begun.

Before this I should have narrated the entrance of the Viceroy into the city of Lima, for he did so before Gonzalo Pizarro arrived at Cuzco; and we should have told what the Viceroy did while he was at Truxillo with regard to the treatment of the Indians. But first I must mention the flight of some of the citizens from Cuzco.

The War of Quito

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