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How Gaspar Rodriguez and his companions arrived at the city of Cuzco, and how Gonzalo Pizarro was received as Captain against the Inca.

Now it is time, O city of Cuzco, that we relate the movements which occurred in thee, causing no small amount of clamour and mourning. But boast not of that, seeing that the deeds of the citizens were the causes of much bloodshed. The war which was commenced by thee spread beyond thy confines, as the sad conflict of Huarina bears testimony.

The Spaniards in Cuzco were aroused to great anger by what they heard of the Viceroy from Gaspar Rodriguez, Hernando Bachicao and the others. They rejoiced to find Gonzalo Pizarro there, giving him an account of all that had taken place at Lima, and how the Viceroy had taken the Indians from Diego de Mora, Alonso Holguin, Diego Palomino and others; and had declared that he would do the same in all parts, enforcing the new laws with rigour. All then understood the great injury that would be done to them. When this had been heard, all agreed to take Gonzalo Pizarro, and to go with him to pray that the new laws might not be enforced in all their rigour. Gaspar Rodriguez and Hernando Bachicao declared that the people of Lima intended to seize the Viceroy if he persisted in enforcing the new laws. Owing to these statements there was much anxiety in Cuzco, and the people expected to receive very heavy punishment. Yet there was a variety of opinions among them, the majority being disposed to take any course rather than obey the new laws.

The tumult having subsided, which arose on the arrival of the news about the Viceroy, it was decided to seek the best way in which Gonzalo Pizarro, in the name of all, might represent the people. Yet it did not appear certain that power could be given to him, seeing that Blasco Nuñez had arrived at Lima, and had been received as Viceroy. On the other hand to withhold the power would be madness and would cause serious injury. Letters did not cease to arrive not only from Lima, but also from the province of Andahuaylas. Pedro de los Rios and Diego Maldonado had interviews with Francisco Maldonado, Hernando Bachicao, and Juan Velez de Guevara with others. They concerted with the citizens and the municipal officers that Gonzalo Pizarro should be appointed captain against the Inca who was, according to rumour, arranging to march against the city. As much reliance was placed on Pizarro, he easily induced the citizens, jointly with their municipal officers, to nominate and elect him as their captain against Manco Inca if he should come with warlike intent; and powers were given to their captain to collect arms and raise men.

But the desires of Pizarro did not stop there. He wanted to be acknowledged as Chief Justice and Procurator-General, with which authority he would be able to attain his ends. He wrote to the province of Andahuaylas, asking Diego Maldonado, the perpetual magistrate there, to come at once to the city. He also wrote to Pedro de los Rios to come to Cuzco. And notwithstanding that they preferred to remain in that province, and not to be present with those who were rebelling, they could not abide by their wishes, for so many letters came, that they had to go to Cuzco. When the news came that Gonzalo Pizarro was nominated captain against the Inca, soldiers arrived from all parts well armed with arquebuses and powder, eager that rumours should be converted into war, that they might emerge from the poverty caused by peace.

The War of Quito

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