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Chamberlain, N. H. Samuel Sewall and the World he Lived in. 1897.

Cobb, S. H. Rise of Religious Liberty in America. 1902.

Dexter, Henry M. The Congregationalism of the Last Three Hundred Years as Seen in its Literature. With a bibliographical appendix. 1880. (An excellent history, and indispensable for its bibliographical information.)

Earle, Alice Morse. Child Life in Colonial Days. 1904.

Earle, Alice Morse. Curious Punishments of Bygone Days. 1896 and 1907.

Earle, Alice Morse. Customs and Fashions in Old New England. 1893.

Earle, Alice Morse. Home Life in Colonial Days. 1898.

Earle, Alice Morse. Stage-Coach and Tavern Days. 1900.

Fiske, John. New France and New England, chap. v.

Masson, David. Life of John Milton. 1859–1880. 6 vols. (Valuable for the English backgrounds of Puritanism.)

Richardson, C. F. American Literature, chap. iv.

Tyler, M. C. A History of American Literature. Colonial Period. Vol. I, chaps. xii, xiii.

Walker, W. Ten New England Leaders. 1901.

Wendell, Barrett. Literary History of America, Bk. I, chap. V. 1901.

Individual Authors

Increase Mather. An Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences. 1684.

Available Edition

With introductory preface by George Offor. London, 1890.


Cairns, W. B. Early American Writers, pp. 199–216.

Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopedia of American Literature, Vol. I, p. 59.

Stedman and Hutchinson. A Library of American Literature, Vol. II, pp. 75–106.

Cotton Mather. The Wonders of the Invisible World. 1693. Magnalia Christi Americana: or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England, 1620–1698. 1702.

Available Editions

Magnalia. With notes, translations, and life. 1853. The Wonders, etc. Reprints, Cambridge, 1861, 1862.

Biography and Criticism

Marvin, Rev. A. P. The Life and Times of Cotton Mather. 1892.

Parrington, V. L. Cambridge History of American Literature. Vol. I, Bk. I, in chap iii.

Sprague, W. B. Annals of the American Pulpit, Vol. I, pp. 189–195. 1857.

Tyler, M. C. History of American Literature. Colonial Period. Vol. I, chaps. xii, xiii.


Cairns, W. B. Early American Writers, pp. 217–237.

Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopedia of American Literature, Vol. I, pp. 59–66.

Stedman and Hutchinson. Library of American Literature, Vol. II, pp. 114–166.

Samuel Sewall. Diary from 1673 to 1729. The only edition is Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., Ser. 5, Vols. VI–VIII.


Cairns, W. B. Early American Writers, pp. 238–251.

Stedman and Hutchinson. Library of American Literature, Vol. II, pp. 188–200.

History and Criticism

Chamberlain, N. H. (See General References.)

Tyler, M. C. (See General References.)

Sarah Kemble Knight. Journals of Madame Knight. From the original manuscripts written in 1704. T. Dwight, editor. 1825.

Available Editions

A Reprint, Albany, 1865.

A Reprint, Norwich, Conn., 1901.


Stedman and Hutchinson. Library of American Literature, Vol. II, pp. 248–264.

History and Criticism

Tyler, M. C. (See General References.)

Literary Treatment of the Period


Barker, J. N. Superstition, a Tragedy (1824), in Representative American Plays (edited by A. H. Quinn). 1917.

Longfellow, H. W. The New England Tragedies.

Wilkins, Mary E. Giles Corey, Yeoman.


Lowell, J. R. Witchcraft. Works, Vol. V.

Whittier, J. G. Charms and Fairy Faith, and Magicians and Witch Folk in Literary Recreations and Miscellanies.


Austin, Mrs. J. G. A Nameless Nobleman.

Austin, Mrs. J. G. Dr. Le Baron and his Daughter (sequel).

Cooper, J. F. The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish.

Simms, W. Gilmore. The Yemassee.

Wilkins, Mary E. The Heart’s Highway.


Poems of American History (edited by B. E. Stevenson), pp. 71–97.

A History of American Literature

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