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Table of Contents

General References

Brooks, van Wyck. America’s Coming of Age, chap. i. 1915.

Dunning, A. E. Congregationalists in America. 1894.

Fiske, John. New France and New England, chap. vi. 1902.

Walker. W. History of the Congregational Churches in the United States. 1894.

Individual Authors

Jonathan Edwards. There have been at least twenty-two editions and printings of Edwards’s collected work. The most accessible is that in four volumes which appeared originally in 1843 and has been reprinted nine times, the last in 1881. In these volumes the most important pages are in Vol. I, pp. 1–27 (biographical), and in Vol. IV (sermons).

Biography and Criticism

Dwight, Timothy. Travels in New England and New York (1822), Vol. IV, pp. 323 ff.

Holmes, O. W. Pages from an Old Volume of Life. 1891.

James, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience. 1902.

Macphail, Andrew. Essays in Puritanism. 1905.

Sanborn, F. B. Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. XVII, No. 4. October, 1883.

Stephen, Leslie. Littell’s Living Age, Vol. V (ser. 5), No. 1546. Jan. 24, 1874.

Walker, Williston. Ten New England Leaders. 1901.

Ward, W. H. The Independent, Vol. LV, No. 2861. Oct. 1, 1903.

Woodbridge, F. J. E. Philosoph. Rev., Vol. XIII, No. 4. July, 1904. The Congregationalist and Christian World, Edwards number, Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 40. Oct. 3, 1903.

Benjamin Franklin. There are eleven editions of Franklin’s collected works in English, French, and German, dating from 1773 to 1905. The best of these is the one compiled and edited by John Bigelow. 1889. 10 vols. Poor Richard Improved, 1757. This was later issued as Father Abraham’s Speech, over 150 editions and reprints of which are recorded. Autobiography. First issued in Paris, 1791. Best recent editions: John Bigelow, editor, 1874; H. E. Scudder, editor, Riverside Literature Series, 1886; William MacDonald, editor, Temple Autobiography Series, 1905; William MacDonald, editor, Everyman’s Library, 1908.

History and Biography

Bruce, W. C. Benjamin Franklin Self-Revealed: A Biographical and Critical Study based mainly on his own Writings. 1918. 2 vols.

Ford, P. L. The Many-Sided Franklin. 1899.

Hale, E. E. and E. E., Jr. Franklin in France; from original documents most of which are now published for the first time. 1887–1888. 2 vols.

McMaster, J. B. Benjamin Franklin (A.M.L. Series). 1887.

McMaster, J. B. Franklin in France. Atlantic Monthly, Vol. LX. September, 1887.

Sherman, Stuart P. Cambridge History of American Literature, Vol. I, chap. vi.

Swift, Lindsay. Catalogue of works relating to Benjamin Franklin in the Boston Public Library. 1883.

Colonial Almanacs

Kittredge, G. L. The Old Farmer and his Almanack. 1904.

Colonial Journalism

Cook, E. C. Cambridge History of American Literature, Vol. I, chap. vii.

Hudson, F. Journalism in the United States, 1690–1872. 1873.

Thomas, I. History of Printing in America. 1871.

Literary Treatment of the Period


Cooper, J. F. Satanstoe.

Cooper, J. F. The Chainbearer.

Cooper, J. F. The Deerslayer.

Cooper, J. F. The Redskins.

Thackeray, W. M. The Virginians.


Poems of American History (edited by B. E. Stevenson), pp. 99–125

A History of American Literature

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