Читать книгу 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two - Perry Ph.D Ritthaler - Страница 35


Email Letter Sixty Three

Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


United we stand divided we fall.

I posted this article on the Aljazeera blog tonight to help encourage the people that read the blog to work peaceful.

Protecting civilians and soldiers on the battlefield in the Middle East or preventing global terrorism takes being proactive and not resting on laurels.

I hope you enjoy your time in Australia.

Discover Empowering Ideas To Help Rebuild The Middle East Empire Part 12… Polishing The Mental Diamonds On The Battlefield

The Middle East Empire is rising like a “Phoenix Out Of The Flames”, thanks to the peaceful inherent cooperation of the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah. Ending the killing is your most powerful weapon. The peace plus prosperity equals power strategy implemented by these great warriors on the battlefield is growing more powerful every day. No longer can the enemy slaughter your woman and children or economically rape and pillage your lands. By taking charge of the peace empowerment battlefield strategy, the genius in your organizations is leading the field through example that your enemy must follow. The longer the peace process of these great warriors stays intact, the more careful the Western enemy must perform, or take a chance on entering the world courts charged with war crimes against humanity, according to the laws of Western democracy.

The psychology and feelings of power derived from killing on the battlefield has taken a new shape. The hidden victory found within the war strategy is watching your enemy take themselves apart politically and leave your land in mutual victory.

“In every scientific equation, you have cause and effect and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

The war strategy of the “Bush Administration” in the West created the scientific formula of “war plus death equals prosperity and power to force the spreading of democracy.” This strategy created unification of both political parties behind the acting President of the USA. When both political parties cooperate in a powerful nation like the USA the power created for that President to lead the country becomes “too powerful for some leaders.” The pace in which the economy grows requires long term economic planning and “not a 7 year term in office filling Halliburton pockets. If you fail at this challenge, the fallout effects and end result is a country on the brink of bankruptcy. The end result of this war strategy is like watching a fireworks display and when the show is finished the people in charge “fueled by ego” orchestrating the exhibition must pay the bill. The fuel to keep the fireworks alive is derived from the steady flow of body bags and crippled people left on the battlefield.

The hidden advantages to the war strategy of “peace plus prosperity equals power” are the centrifugal force naturally created and found within the psychology energy undercurrent within the war strategy formula.

To better explain my point, I will use this analogy. The war strategy “war plus death equals prosperity power spread through democracy” naturally conditions the enemy on the battlefield to kill people of their own race on the battlefield. First they are conditioned to kill soldiers and when this formula is faced with the covert strategy used by the West to penetrate the ranks of the enemy and pay off certain tribes in the Middle East, the tribes are controlled. The killing then turns to those people killing their own people, and once this momentum is created the political leader stays in power through injecting fear into their follower’s minds, “example the Bush Administration winning the second term in office” or how the Zionists win their elections.

The second phase of this Bush war strategy is a natural Arab Spring because the peaceful people are conditioned to go to war and through the use of intelligence and the communications revolution the war energy is transferred psychologically. The people rise up to end the violence and killing or firm leadership of a dictator.

In the science formula guilty by association combined with cause and affect energy the people guilty of creating this strategy, has conditioned the politicians and civilian populations in the Western World and USA to live in fear of terrorism and wage the war on terrorism.

The strategy taken on the battlefield today to help slow this war strategy effect is “peace plus prosperity equals power.” When this new strategy is successful the momentum of the killing ends on the battlefield. The turmoil created in the Middle East designed to keep them under the corporate war thumb, evolves more powerful.

When this strategy of “peace plus prosperity equals power” grows in momentum, in the Middle East,” the Empire is born again”.

This hidden vacuum or blow back of energy created by war energy “cause and affect” created by the genius’s in the “Bush Administration” will now end up in the USA taking the shape of protests around the world, labeled the Wall Street protests.

The civilian population will rise up against politicians in the Western world just as they have in the Arab Spring. In the West the debts of government created by war and taking their eyes of entrepreneur created employment, verses war employment, allowed countries like China to take over the lead of manufacturing and naturally grow more powerful than the USA in economics, by funding the war operations going alone. “Remember the statement the power of the President is created so large and fast and if you fail you lose huge in the long run. “ The cause and effect of being controlled by one President that fails economically, combined with the guilty by association conditioning to fight psychologically, created by the war on terrorism, creates the failure environment of politicians that continuously fight politically and this is the case today in the USA.

China continues to grow in power and cooperation within their country and globally managing the power vacuum created through the USA led war on terrorism. (These links in covert espionage world of Bin Laden the Taliban, Pakistan and China have been discussed in earlier articles.)

The beauty of the strategy “peace plus prosperity equals power” is you control the peace created faster than war on the battlefield, and now Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas and Hezbollah have a ring side seat watching the USA politicians fight as they fail to solve their own challenges or follow their President.

The mental illness discussed in earlier issue in book one “The Theory Of War” analyzing these war operations has come full circle and now the USA politicians are naturally unable to agree under the President. They are the ones that appear mentally ill to the world, still left on the old aggression psychology battlefield created by the Bush Administration.

Being unable to find the positive in a situation or resolve your difference effectively leads to failure and proves you are unable to help yourself effectively and these are all signs and triggers of mental illness.

Thank you for your important time required, to enjoy, and read this article.

20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two

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