Читать книгу Walking Behind Schizophrenic Eyes - Perry Ritthaler - Страница 8

Poetry Insanities Companions’


Deep in my mind; can you see them too?

I start to laugh; I see my crazy crew

Voices or images that come and go

My insanity grows with the more I know

Many voices different from the other

One loves me acting like my mother

While others are nasty at times

Making me agree to horrible crimes

I am locked away

Watching my mind decay

Insanity rotting my brain day-by-day

Desire to create happiness drifted away

A mind trained to remember my past

A habit formed can last-and -last

I remember being healthy and free

I feel sorry for myself thinking of me

I sit alone paying for my crime

A criminal mind most of the time

Relentless voices never stop talking to me

Harassing me with images I can see

Tell me where to go; who I should see

Listen to words promising to help me

I never speak to people I see on the street

Lost in my mind I plan my retreat

Feeling uncomfortable when I walk

Feeling angry or frustrated when I talk

I scream stop talking to me

Fighting voices in my mind I can see

Sexy whispers in my ear

Anger into frustration becomes clear

I can have any woman I see?

I stalk dark streets hunting free

I crave sex to vent my rage

Voices tell me about a war we wage

Darkness of the night I prowl into the light

Looking for the girl to complete my night

Ritual voices become my habit

I hunt the girl like a white rabbit

I scream out-loud into the night

Sexual anger fuel an elixir just right

A dark knight screaming to feel right

Angry wild man howling in the moonlight

People I meet run away scared

Wild eyes run away unprepared

Chasing random people looking scared

Power to control stalking the unprepared

Yelling I chase them down the street

Voices cheer me on fight the stranger I meet

Fear cast into my eyes

I carry a butcher knife screaming lies

I hunt the ones I chase

With a red painted face

My screaming face

Creating fear my victim’s embrace

A powerful one haunting the night

The dark skies I chase when I fight

Chase a woman falling down a set of stairs

Hover over her body; a voice yells who cares

Voices whisper smell her skin

Scents of perfume fuel my desire to sin

Voices yell I hunted her down

A man looked on with a frown

I want to run then hide

Is she alive or has she died

I feel trapped afraid to talk

He dialed his cellphone; began to walk

I try to run but voices tell me to play

You caught her have your day

Wonder if she is dead

I carefully hold her head

Lifeless body on the ground

Voices tell me take what you found

Two men in uniform run down the stairs

My voices tell me who cares

One pulls a gun I drop my knife

Is this a girlfriend or your wife?

Sweat covers my face seeping through paint

She fell down the stairs; she felt faint

He picked up my knife; I am under arrest

Voices telling me to spit on the woman’s chest

Obeying the habits in my mind will grow

Police tell me I am the criminal they know

They have been looking for a man like me

I no longer scare innocent people walking free

Those we deem "insane" diagnosed by our "health" professionals are merely those who have gotten caught in a loop of "negative" emotions; programs and habits of thought that from which they are unable to extricate themselves on any type of consistent basis.

Walking Behind Schizophrenic Eyes

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