Читать книгу Political Theory - Pete Woodcock - Страница 2




Front Matter

Chapter 1: Introduction Purpose of this book Why should we bother with the history of political thought? How to use this book Contents of this book Methodology Works cited Notes

Chapter 2: What is the nature of politics? Chapter overview Socrates and the examined life Machiavelli and glory Utilitarianism and happiness Kant, Walzer, morality and dirty hands Weber Conclusion Works cited

Chapter 3: Is humanity nasty or nice? Chapter overview Thomas Hobbes John Locke Jean-Jacques Rousseau Friedrich Nietzsche Conclusion Works cited

Chapter 4: Why should I obey the state? Chapter overview Hobbes and obedience John Locke’s critique Critics of social contract theory Rousseau and Patemen: obligation and participation Conclusion Works cited

Chapter 5: Is democracy the best form of government? Chapter overview Athenian beginnings Rousseau and Montesquieu The role of the representative: Edmund Burke Democracy in America The tyranny of the majority Conclusion Works cited

Chapter 6: When can my freedom be restricted? Chapter overview Thomas Hobbes and freedom Mill’s Harm Principle Conclusion Works cited

Chapter 7: What would a just society look like? Chapter overview Plato: justice as the harmonious state Aristotle: justice as happiness and the general good Locke: natural rights and property Hume Rawls: Justice as fairness Nozick Conclusion Works cited

10  Chapter 8: Why have women been ignored in the history of political thought? Chapter overview Women in the history of political thought Mary Wollstonecraft John Stuart Mill Iris Marion Young Conclusion Works cited

11  Chapter 9: When is revolution against government justified? Chapter overview Burke vs Paine Capitalism Karl Marx Conclusion Works cited

12  Chapter 10: Conclusion: Ideologies Introduction Liberalism Conservatism Socialism Applying the ideologies Conclusion Works cited

13  Index

14  End User License Agreement



Table of Contents

Begin Reading







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Political Theory

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