Читать книгу Political Theory - Pete Woodcock - Страница 20

Why have women been ignored in the history of political thought?


This chapter will attempt to show why so many of the thinkers mentioned above are men. It will begin with Rousseau’s argument about the natural inequalities between men and women, before critiquing this with the ideas of Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill. Wollstonecraft and Mill will argue that there are no natural differences between men and women, and, where differences exist, it is due to women’s inability to access social goods such as education and improving work, as well as their lack of rights. The chapter will conclude with I.M. Young’s contention that there are differences between men and women when it comes to ethical and political reasoning, but the male forms of reasoning are universalized. So liberal democratic culture is inherently biased towards men.

Political Theory

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