Читать книгу 31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit - Peter I. O - Страница 6



There is a wonderful Teacher who teaches uniquely and comprehensively. He teaches in a unique manner which no teacher on earth can ever be able to teach. The wonders of revelation knowledge and insights which He impacts in the lives of His humble students are incomparable. If you are a doctor, get ready to be a better physician. If you are a lawyer, get prepared to be a better legal adviser. If you are a student, get ready to be the best in your academics. If you are a parent, get ready to be a better father or mother to your children. If you are a pastor, get ready to be a better preacher if you are an engineer, businessman, homebuilder, etc. Get ready to be more improved than you use to be because a great Teacher is about to add great values to your life that would improve your profession. The content of His teaching is always life-changing and soul-lifting. He is the Person of the Holy Spirit of the living God. The Teacher of all teachers. The only Teacher that is not a learner. Do you know Him, are you aware He is a glorious Teacher? Many people who failed in businesses, marriages, academics, and other areas of life could have been successful if they had humbly attended this school which the Holy Spirit is the Teacher.

This book “31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit” is a supernatural learning program anchored by the Holy Spirit. It is an insightful school where you get supernaturally empowered and equipped to succeed in all ramifications of life. Prepare your heart like a student going into the classroom to seat under the teachings of a school teacher. Fortunately, the Teacher here is much more than human teachers. The Teacher is the Holy Spirit, the only Teacher who teaches all the courses all by Himself. You can’t afford to miss this school.

This book is written to encourage people to humbly learn from this wonderful Personality who can teach everything to anyone who enrols in His supernatural teaching program. I believe you want to succeed in your endeavours and achieve your goals. The Holy Spirit will help you to achieve your dreams. The more you learn from Him, the more you increase in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Success is guaranteed if the Holy Spirit be your Teacher.

The day you stop learning might be the day you will stop succeeding. You are able to seat under the teachings and tutorship of human teachers in schools and other learning places because you believe they know something you need to know. Holy Spirit knows much more than all the human teachers you have ever come across from the day you were born till date, and He will remain outstanding until the end of the earth. If you allow Him to be your Teacher, your life will be significantly transformed. This book will open your eyes to spiritual realities. Just Read Through.

31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit

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