Читать книгу 31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit - Peter I. O - Страница 7


Chapter 1


Before we talk about the personality of the Holy Spirit, let’s consider this story. A man was looking for a good school where he could register his children for proper education. His friend introduced him to a school and highly recommended the school for his children. Initially, the man did not consent to his friend’s recommendation because he doubted if the school has good teachers. But later, he decided to give it a trial. He registered one of his sons just to know what would be the outcome of the studies. At the end of the first term, the performance of the child was superlatively outstanding. The man was delighted. Without hesitation, he registered the other of his two children, making it a total of three children he enrolled in the same school.

Just like the man who enrolled his three children in the same school after he had ascertained the credibility of the school, we also need to know who the Holy Spirit is and find out His definite attributes. This will help us to believe in Him fully and also open our hearts for His impartations.

“And the angel answered and said to her, the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God”. –

(Luke 1:35)

Holy Spirit is a Personality who has divinely embodied power to make everything possible. Nature demands that a man and a woman must come together sexually before a woman could conceive and bear a child. But in Luke 1:35, we see the Holy Spirit overruling the law of nature and granting a woman a child in her womb without the interference of any man. Holy Spirit is in relation with the Godhead. He is the Spirit of God sent to help humanity achieve divine purposes. He gives wisdom for diverse purposes and also imparts moral and decent character in the lives of those who are privileged to have Him. He was fully involved in the creation of the earth and the things in the earth (Genesis chapter 1). Presently, He is the Spirit of God, helping the church of God to manifest the power and glory of God. He was sent to us by God after the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4). The Holy Spirit is in the world today, moving around and helping those who are willing to learn and receive from Him. He is our Comforter whom God sent to comfort us in every situation. The good and wonderful attributes of this glorious Personality called “The Holy Spirit” are so numerous to mention. But with these few qualities of His mentioned here, it is convincing that the Holy Spirit is worth hearing and learning from whenever He speaks. He gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to those who submit to His learning.


Your life cannot remain the same after learning from the Holy Spirit because He teaches mysteries that can only be demystified by God. He also reveals the deep things of God to His learners.

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” - (Jeremiah 33:3)

There are great and mighty things you do not know about your life, destiny, business, academics, marriage, children, family, etc. The Bible says “when you call upon God”. In other words, “when you show the willingness to learn from God through the Holy Spirit, He will reveal those things to you”. A person who humbly learns from the Holy Spirit is far better than someone who attended lectures in the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Harvard University, Stanford University, Princeton University, and any other Universities you can think of in the world. All these earthly universities are good for our learning, but it would be much better if we complement them with the teachings of the Holy Spirit for better Comprehension. The teachings of the Holy Spirit have no human comparison because the lecturers in these universities and every other academic institution in the world couldn’t have known what to teach if God had not given them access to divine knowledge. The gift of knowledge comes from God through the Holy Spirit.

“For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit.” – (1 Corinthians 12:8)

The scripture above clearly stated that the Holy Spirit is the Giver of the gift of knowledge. This simply means that every teacher and lecturer you see in the whole couldn’t have been if the Holy Spirit had not graciously given him or her the gift of knowledge. This also shows that all the teachers and lecturers in the world are subordinates to the Holy Spirit because a student is not above his teacher.


This is a fundamental question to ask. This question truly needs to be asked and equally answered so that you can believe and be convinced that the Holy Spirit is truly a Teacher.

“These things we also speak, not in word which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” –

(1 Corinthians 2:13)

The scripture above has just revealed to us that the Holy Spirit is a Teacher above all human teachers. Apostle Paul said that the wisdom embedded in his words was not acquired from social teachings, but by the teachings of the Holy Spirit (1Corinthians 2:13). When you attend the school of the Holy Spirit, your words will always be seasoned with godly wisdom, and that would make you uniquely outstanding. Perhaps, the members of the Church at Corinth desired to speak and preach wisely like Apostle Paul but didn’t know the source of his wisdom. Paul told them that the wisdom they saw him manifest was not learnt in the human tutorial classroom but in the school of the Holy Spirit. Now we know why Apostle Paul did great exploit in the work of the Gospel Ministry more than other Apostles and disciples who began the work before him. Learning from the Holy Spirit can make you succeed ahead of those who started before you in the area of business, academics, etc.

In Matthew 19:30, Jesus said; “But many that are first shall be the last, and the last shall be the first”. The first who later became the last are those who started working in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit but later forsook Him. They are also those who did not work in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit at all. The last who later became the first are those who though they started late, acknowledge the wisdom of God and work in it. This simply means that the wisdom of the Holy Spirit can help you to succeed in life irrespective of the time you started.

Apostle Paul said he learnt to make a comparison of things in the spiritual perspectives before making his decisions; These things we also speak, not in word which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual” (1 Corinthians 2:13). The teaching he received from the Holy Spirit helped Him to think before he spoke and reasoned before he took actions. I have heard many people say; “Look before you leap”. But I say; “Ask God before you leap”. This reason is that most times, we don’t see very clear when we look. When Adam and Eve looked at the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, they saw a tree that was good for food, but they didn’t see the generational problems in the fruit of the tree (Genesis 3:6-19). They lost the glory of the garden after eating the fruit and brought great problems to humanity. This is what happens in the lives of many people; they realize they have made the wrong choice after they have fallen into many problems. We can’t see or know certain things except they are revealed to us by God through the Holy Spirit.

God did not create anyone to be knowledgeably independent, and that is why the Bible encourages us to study and learn. Many things we need to succeed in life are spiritually hidden, and we can only know and access them when we humbly learn under the teachings of the Holy Spirit.

“The secret things belongs to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law” – (Deuteronomy 29:29)

Without any controversy, it is clearly stated in the scripture that; “the secret things belong to God”. If you truly want to know these secrets, then you have to learn from Him. In the book of Daniel, chapter two, Daniel said;

“He reveals deep and secret things, He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.”

(Daniel 2:22).

There were wise men in Babylon. They had their wisdom which they perhaps acquired from the astrologers, the stargazers, the prognosticators, and other sources they could reach out to. But Daniel had great virtues of wisdom in of him, which he received from the Holy Spirit of God. When the time came to prove who is wiser between Daniel and the wise men of Babylon, Daniel by the wisdom of God interpreted the dream of king Nebuchadnezzar which all the wise men in Babylon could not attempt to explain.

“Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in the night vision” - (Daniel 2:19).

The difference here is that Daniel acquired his wisdom from God through the Holy Spirit, while the wise men of Babylon got their wisdom from other sources. Holy Spirit is a glorious Teacher, and Daniel happened to be one of His humble students. If the Holy Spirit teaches you, you cannot be stuck in the mud.

31 Days Encounter With The Holy Spirit

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