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The initial trigger for capturing such little anecdotes occurred as I was once again on a business trip in Shanghai. It is 6 a.m. in the morning and as tired as I am, I get into the taxi in front of the hotel and the taxi driver says to me, “Epo??”

"Uh, what?" I answer, trying hard to decide what he means. After a period of deliberation, I guess correctly and answer with amusement, "Yes please, Epo!" The sophisticated reader already suspects the correct translation, it means “airport”. Problem solved. A very interesting experience.

The driver's next statement was, "Betsching?" I understand now (he means Beijing) and I answer, "No, Seoul, Korea!" Now everything's been discussed and we leave the hotel. Arriving at the EPO, I have the joy of having started the day in good humor and give the driver a generous tip which he probably did not expect. He is all smiles as he drives off and waves at me until he is no longer visible. “EPO”, how nice to know.

In general, my experience has been that when I smile, I will be smiled back at; if I look grim I will get grim looks in return. Or, as Mark Twain once put it, "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."

Life is composed of many small moments. There are so many beautiful, funny, instructive occasions. They go by and never come back. That's why I like to pause and enjoy the moment. Too soon everyday obligations always bring me back.

...away on business

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