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As it is with many people when they are asked how their vacation was, the first response is a detailed report about the food as if this were the most important aspect. Honestly, this is not so wrong. After all, food is an elementary component. So of course it is obvious that the issue of food should receive adequate attention when sharing my impressions.

Once we received a large order from a company and, and as is often the case, the customers invited us to dinner. My colleague and I were together along with 7 or 8 Chinese customers. Even organizing the trip with several cars turned out to be loud and chaotic. Once arriving at the restaurant, we were led into a small private room with a huge round table. This becomes a special challenge to me, who dislikes any seafood that is not clearly identifiable as fish. We are invited to a so-called hot-pot meal. Well, I think, that doesn’t sound too bad after all. A drink of hard liquor is offered as an aperitif. Of course, we are being tested as to how well we hold our drink. Chinese love heavy-drinking as if there were no other variety. I get the impression that it's a shame not to be an alcoholic. Nevertheless, I hold myself back due to an empty stomach, etc. There is a large pot on the table that is divided down the middle and has two different boiling liquids in it. The waiters appear while balancing several trays which are filled with something that looks like striped intestines with a yellow-greenish shimmering patina. This indefinable something is poured into the pot and some vegetables are added. This very sight alone and the accompanying thought that I have to eat it causes me to break out in a sweat.

I feel scrutinizing eyes watching us as if we had been invited to dinner with a future mother-in-law. How will these “long noses”, meaning Europeans, behave now? My colleague exhibits a similar horror which is written all over his face. Well, what do we do now? I decide to drink a glass of schnapps that is about the size of a small drinking glass (no shot glass) in one go; this of course to the delight of all those present. At least this temporarily fogs my senses and innards somewhat and I pacify myself with the thought that at least the boiling broth has killed all the bacteria and I should expect no signs of intoxication. The two liquids in the pot differ in each case from very hot to indescribably hot which under the circumstances suits me just fine.

Another Chinese culinary experience takes place in a locality that reminds me of a butcher shop with a giant aquarium, which, however, offers anything but normal fish. There are oversized worms, animals with strangely long antennae, and ‑ excuse my idiom ‑ other elements that look like floating, snow-white penises. Just totally disgusting. Our delegation goes straight to these aquariums and I reluctantly follow behind. My worst fears are confirmed when I am made to understand that I should put together a selection of food from it. My imagination is not big enough to see myself eating anything of what is swimming around here at all; I'd rather starve to be honest. So I sneak back and forth for about 10 minutes and always have to go around a strange big black pile of something that lies on the floor which I do not even consciously perceive since my eyes are so glued to the diving vermin in the aquarium. When I notice that this heap is moving though, I am very shocked and look more closely. Bullfrogs! My stomach flinches involuntarily and tells me that it does not agree with any of this. Like a sign from heaven, I find something edible on a shelf. It’s a kind of dessert, steamed bread. I like this foamy sweet bread very much, which I finally select after a felt eternity and to the incomprehension of my Chinese companions.

The story of "fresh" oysters in China as a farewell dinner before the trip home also gave me an unforgettable flight home. I would just like to mention that here but not go into any of the details. Just let your imagination run free. The result certainly comes very close to my own experience.

...away on business

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