Читать книгу Reaching Forever - Philip C. Kolin - Страница 7

A Pond is Heaven’s Scroll


Though conscripted

of earth and water, the pond

rewrites itself as heaven’s scroll.

The pilgrimage of the moon

dallies above it

in the mud-coated night

imprinting its image

in the willowy water that

Li Po lost his life trying to catch.

Fish ripple haloed messages

in Vadic and Tau across

a shoal of blue slate.

Yet a blind man can read

these oracles better

than spectacled scholars.

On sun-shallow days

you can hear the rocks

coffined in sludge

and slime cry to heaven —

sinners who hoarded

wealth and wrath.

A stillness finally seals the pond —

heaven’s last incarnation

for those who forgo mortality.

Reaching Forever

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