Читать книгу The Populist Century - Pierre Rosanvallon - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Title Page

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Introduction: Conceptualizing Populism A reality to be theorized The anatomy of populism The three histories of populism On critiques of populism The alternative Notes

I Anatomy

1 A Conception of “The People”: The People as One Body From class to people Them and us The power of a word Notes

2 A Theory of Democracy: Direct, Polarized, Immediate The cult of referendums and the apologia for direct democracy Democracy polarized Immediate expression by the people Notes

3 A Mode of Representation: A Leader Embodying the People The Latin American precedent The leader as an organ of the people’s body Notes

4 A Politics and a Philosophy of Economics: National Protectionism The return of political will A conception of justice and equality Protectionism as an instrument of security Notes

10  5 A Regime of Passions and Emotions The factors underlying the “return of the emotions” Status-related emotions Intellect-related emotions Action-related emotions Is there a populist personality? Notes

11  6 The Unity and Diversity of Populisms Diffuse populism Regimes and movements “Left” and “right” populisms Notes

12  II History

13  1 History of Populist Moments I: Caesarism and Illiberal Democracy in France The theory of the plebiscite One man embodying the people and the people as one body Democratic polarization On the Caesarian critique of parties A “democratic” vision for limiting freedom of the press Notes

14  2 History of Populist Moments II: The Years 1890–1914 The panacea of referendums The rise of national protectionism Populism aborted Notes

15  3 History of Populist Moments III: The Latin American Laboratory Gaitán: a foundational figure The Peronist regime On the characterization of Latin American populism Notes

16  4 Conceptual History: Populism as a Democratic Form Structuring aporia I: the unlocatable people Structuring aporia II: the ambiguities of representative democracy Structuring aporia III: the avatars of impersonality Structuring aporia IV: defining the regime of equality Limit forms of democracy: the three families Notes

17  III Critique

18  Introduction

19  1 The Issue of Referendums The dissolution of the notion of responsibility The difference between decision and will Deliberation relegated to second place A propensity for the irreversible Silence about the normative impact of referendums The paradoxical diminishment of democracy by referendums Responding to the democratic expectations that underlie the idea of the referendum Notes

20  2 Polarized Democracy vs. Pluralized Democracy Democratic fiction and the horizon of unanimity New paths for expressing the general will The power of anyone The power of no one Of institutions that are democratic and not merely liberal Notes

21  3 From an Imaginary People to a Constructable Democratic Society From the imaginary society to the real society The 1 percent Populist peoples and democratic societies Notes

22  4 The Horizon of Democratorship: The Issue of Irreversibility The philosophy and politics of irreversibility Polarization and politicization of institutions Epistemology and morality of generalized politicization Notes

23  Conclusion: The Spirit of an Alternative Notes

24  Annex: History of the Word “Populism” Russian populism American populism in the 1890s Populism in literature Notes

25  Works Cited

26  Index

27  End User License Agreement



2 Table of Contents

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The Populist Century

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