Читать книгу Decline of the Lawrence Welk Empire - Poe Ballantine - Страница 8


—To begin then with things simple, the Perfessor said, I propose this question to the enlightened company which I behold before me: What is human life?

—Human life is a myth, Mr. Shawnessy said.

—Amen, the Perfessor said.

—To be most human is to be most mythical.

—This is wisdom, said the Perfessor

—A myth is a story that is always true for all men everywhere.

—An oracle speaks, the Perfessor said. But are there any new myths? I doubt it. In their wisdom, the Hebrews and the Greeks have furnished us with all our myths. Will there ever be another mythical race?

—Yes, Mr. Shawnessy said. The Americans are a mythical race. We are making a new myth, the American myth.

—What is this American myth?

—It’s the story of the hero who regains Paradise.

ROSS LOCKRIDGE, Raintree County

Decline of the Lawrence Welk Empire

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