Читать книгу Don’t Blow Up Just Yet - Portia Cruise - Страница 8

Table of Content




Anxiety is Not Just About Doom

Anxiety In Girls-Are You Affected?

Categories of Anxiety Disorder

Leading Causes of Anxiety In Girls


Brain Chemicals


Anxiety Triggers And Risk Factors


Effects of Anxiety in Girls and Their Symptoms

Changes in Physical Attributes

How You Can Help

Managing and Treating Anxiety

Psychological Treatment

Medical Treatment for Anxiety

Anxiety Management Strategies

Learn Proper Breathing Technique

Learning Muscle Relaxation


Get Involved in Physical Activities

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Worry the Proper Way

Join Support Groups and Learn from Others

Getting Help, Where to Go

Alternative Treatments for Anxiety

1. Aromatherapy

2. Cannabidiol Oil (CBD oil)

3. Herbal Teas

4. Herbal Supplements

5. Spending Time with Pets

Natural Products for Anxiety Treatment

Other Effective Non-Herbal Techniques

Don’t Blow Up Just Yet

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