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Anxiety is Not Just About Doom

Anxiety is a global phenomenon and one of the symptoms associated with depression. Everyone experiences anxiety in varying degrees as a result of the activities we do which can have an effect on our physical and mental health. Our state of anxiety can be positive or negative, when anxiety is positive, it helps us manage situations that may have been devastating, like preparing for an interview, giving a public speech and involved in an emergency. The body uses anxiety in such situations to heighten our response rate and gives us that extra adrenaline to prepare better and deal with the situation appropriately. Without anxiety, the body would have difficulty handling the situation.

Anxiety can exhibit physical symptoms like increased heartbeat, sweaty palms, muscle tension, and headaches. This situation is usually short-lived and passes after the trigger or the cause has been removed. Anxiety can also have mental effects like insomnia, restless nights, exhaustion, chronic worry, lack of focus, and irritation. So for example, if you have lost a loved one, or have not heard from your child for a while, then it is natural that you will feel all these symptoms until the situation returns to normal or you may get closure if the worst possible scenario happened.

Anxiety becomes a case of mental health when it starts even when there is no trigger and it stays for a long time as soon as it has been triggered. It is believed that more than 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety and its related diseases. This book is, however, targeted at women and girls who suffer from stress and anxiety and are looking for natural remedies for treating it.

When a woman suffers from a continuous state of fear, nervousness, restlessness, and stress, she may be suffering from anxiety. Depression and stress tend to affect the body the same way anxiety does, but it does it in a far different degrees and effect. They all tend to occur as a result of the imbalance in the chemicals in the brain and neurotransmitters. Although often not considered a serious health issue by a lot of people, anxiety can affect the way we react to issues and even affect our interpersonal relationship with others. While there is no confirmed study as to how and why anxiety starts, it is believed that genetics plays a role and other contributing factors like change or loss of job, divorce, bills, risk of losing one’s home or property, the loss of a dear relative or spouse, pressure at work, moving to a new apartment, changing school, preparing to get married, physical illness and environmental factors like living in an insecure area, can also sometimes lead to anxiety. Perhaps it could also be as a result of some changes in the body, pregnancy or even a miscarriage. Scientists also believe that some of these factors lead to loss of essential brain chemicals like serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitters.

Improper drug use when taking certain medications for ailments like heart diseases, Alzheimer and diabetes are also believed to be among the major reasons why people have anxiety. Abuse of medication like sleeping pills can also have its effect. Women are more susceptible to having anxiety disorder than men in a lot of cases, mostly due to the hormonal changes that take place in their body. They also find it more difficult to deal with traumatic events and unpleasant situations in life.

Don’t Blow Up Just Yet

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