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Praise for Sisters of the Ice

“Sisters of the Ice is a lesser known indigenous success story that shaped Canada’s Arctic history through ingenuity, generosity and the power of perseverance.”

—Bourton Scott, founder of the Emerald Sea Protection Society

“The strength of character of the many individuals involved in these vessels is well captured and will endure because of [Macdonald’s] well-researched writing. Thankfully, these two sister vessels live on to this day as a wonderful legacy.”

—Captain William Noon, CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier (retired); chair of the Victoria Classic Boat Festival, Victoria BC

“Macdonald has written a superb history of boats, sailing, commerce, RCMP service, and people engaged in the Canadian Arctic through the middle years of the twentieth century—with a focus on the challenges of protecting Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic through the years when these territories were at political risk. This account is not only well-researched [...] it also is enriched by the author’s extensive personal involvement in the events he describes, and his sailing experience with one of the premium ships of Arctic service—the North Star of Herschel Island […]. In short, if readers want a deeply engaged, well-informed, and grippingly-interesting tale of Arctic maritime history, this book is a must-read.”

—George Egerton, Emeritus, History Department, University of British Columbia

“Macdonald manages to entice this reader from beginning to end. Sisters of the Ice is the gripping story about the intertwined histories of two of Canada’s most iconic Arctic ships […]. With its wealth of data related to history, climatology, political developments and Canadian Arctic sovereignty, this is a must read for historians, ship lovers and politicians alike.”

—Dr. Joost C.A. Schokkenbroek, past director of the Vancouver Maritime Museum

“The raw history of two of Canada’s most important ships, Sisters of the Ice has given me a new understanding of their place in time and their critical role in establishing Canadian Arctic Sovereignty. All of Canada owes them a debt of gratitude.”

—Rob O’Dea, president, Oarlock and Sail Wooden Boat Club

Praise for R. Bruce Macdonald’s previous book, North Star of Herschel Island

“Hell of a good account of a fine ship. And of the Banks Island crowd.”

—Farley Mowat

“An important book that every Canadian should read.”

—Rt Hon. Jean Chrétien, prime minister of Canada (1993–2003)

“This work is a testament to [Macdonald’s] passion for the vessel, and [his] love of our great nation. It appears [North Star of Herschel Island] has had many remarkable journeys. Rest assured this volume will make a welcome addition to my personal library.”

—Rt Hon. Stephen Harper, prime minister of Canada (2006–2015)

“One day soon, stories of the fur traders and the boats they used to bring their yearly catch of fur will be taught in the schools and then a renewed pride in our parents and grandparents will be restored.”

—Joey Carpenter, son of Fred Carpenter (trapper, Inuit leader and co-designer of the vessel North Star of Herschel Island)

Sisters of the Ice

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