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This book is for all the writing dogs who’ve kept me company. Not every dog I’ve had has been a writing dog, but a few have made it part of their role: Sascha, my first writing dog, who lay in her basket beside my desk and kept my writing time safe by growling at anyone—human or dog—who entered the room. Oliver, who sleeps nearby when I write and reminds me to keep my chocolate levels up (and to toss him a dog chocolate while I’m at it). Fergus, who likes to sleep under my desk, dreaming his dog dreams. Dougal, who ensures I don’t spend too long at my desk in each stint by nudging me to take him for a game of dog tennis. Roxie, who sits on the lounge beside me during writing days at my mother’s house. And especially Jazzie May, who passed away while I was writing The Nanny Proposition. In between perimeter patrols and naps by the office door, she’d sit by my desk and give me her big smile and ask if I needed anything—a dog to pat, perhaps? Hugs to you, my Jasmine Maybelline.

The Nanny Proposition

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