Читать книгу Wonderful to Relate - Rachel Koopmans - Страница 8



1. Eilward of Westoning tells his story

2. Miracle collecting c.1075–c.1100

3. Miracle collecting c.1100–c.1140

4. Insane man cured at Becket’s tomb

5. Miracle collecting c.1140–c.1200

6. Spread of Benedict’s miracle collection for Becket

7. References to Becket miracula manuscripts

8. Dating of Benedict’s and William’s miracle collections

9. Canterbury cathedral and the murder of Thomas Becket

10. “Parallel miracles” in the Christ Church collections

11. Monk swabs a blind woman’s eyes

12. Ill boy kisses Becket’s tomb

13. Doctors examine leprous monk

Wonderful to Relate

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