Читать книгу Sales Success: Английский для менеджеров по продажам. Mastering English for Sales Managers - Радмила Шарифьянова - Страница 4

Развитие лексического запаса: Слова и фразы для успешных продаж
Лексика, связанная с продажами


Sales – Продажи

Example: Our sales have been steadily increasing over the past quarter.

Customer – Клиент

Example: We need to focus on providing excellent customer service to retain our clients.

Product – Продукт

Example: Our new product line is generating a lot of interest among customers.

Marketing – Маркетинг

Example: We need to develop a strong marketing strategy to reach our target audience.

Promotion – Продвижение

Example: We’re offering a special promotion this month to attract new customers.

Target audience – Целевая аудитория

Example: Our target audience consists of young professionals aged 25—35.

Lead – Потенциальный клиент

Example: We received several leads from our recent advertising campaign.

Prospect – Перспектива

Example: We have a meeting scheduled with a prospect next week.

Conversion – Конверсия

Example: Our website has a high conversion rate, resulting in more sales.

Negotiation – Переговоры

Example: The negotiation process with the client was challenging but successful.

Closing the deal – Заключение сделки

Example: Our sales team is skilled at closing deals and meeting targets.

Upselling – Предложение дополнительных услуг/товаров

Example: We trained our staff to upsell additional products to increase revenue.

Cross-selling – Предложение связанных товаров/услуг

Example: Our online store suggests cross-selling items based on customer preferences.

Cold calling – Холодные звонки

Example: Our sales representatives spend a few hours each day making cold calls.

Follow-up – Последующий контакт

Example: It’s important to follow up with potential customers to maintain their interest.

Pipeline – Воронка продаж

Example: We have a strong sales pipeline with many potential deals in progress.

Commission – Комиссия

Example: Our sales team receives a commission for each successful sale.

Quota – Квота

Example: Our sales representatives have a monthly quota to meet.

Presentation – Презентация

Example: The salesperson delivered an engaging presentation to showcase the product.

Value proposition – Уникальное предложение

Example: Our value proposition is our competitive advantage in the market.

Objection – Возражение

Example: The customer raised several objections during the sales pitch.

Referral – Рекомендация

Example: We received a referral from a satisfied customer.

Relationship building – Построение отношений

Example: Building strong relationships with clients is crucial for long-term success.

Follow-up email – Последующее электронное письмо

Example: After the meeting, I sent a follow-up email to thank the client for their time.

Sales pitch – Продающая речь

Example: The salesperson delivered a compelling sales pitch that convinced the customer.

Objection handling – Работа с возражениями

Example: Our sales team is trained in objection handling to overcome customer concerns.

Sales forecast – Прогноз продаж

Example: The sales forecast for the next quarter looks promising.

Competitive analysis – Конкурентный анализ

Example: We conducted a competitive analysis to identify our strengths and weaknesses.

Sales cycle – Цикл продаж

Example: Our sales cycle typically lasts around three months.

Sales funnel – Воронка продаж

Example: We analyze our sales funnel to identify areas for improvement.

Sales target – Цель продаж

Example: Our sales team is determined to meet their monthly sales targets.

Sales strategy – Стратегия продаж

Example: We developed a new sales strategy to penetrate the market more effectively.

Sales report – Отчет о продажах

Example: The sales report showed a significant increase in revenue compared to last year.

Sales meeting – Совещание по продажам

Example: We have a sales meeting scheduled for tomorrow to discuss our progress.

Sales training – Обучение продажам

Example: Our new hires undergo extensive sales training to ensure their success.

Sales incentive – Система мотивации продаж

Example: We offer sales incentives such as bonuses and rewards for top performers.

Sales territory – Территория продаж

Example: Each salesperson is assigned a specific sales territory to focus on.

Sales promotion – Продвижение продаж

Example: We’re running a sales promotion this weekend with discounted prices on selected items.

Sales volume – Объем продаж

Example: Our sales volume has been steadily increasing over the past year.

Sales Success: Английский для менеджеров по продажам. Mastering English for Sales Managers

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