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The nine chapters in this book, in essence cover four themes.

First is general information about the United States of America as relevant to this writing.

Next in order are Language, Communication and Interpersonal Skills. Here we cover American English with all it’s manifestations. Why? Because the American form of English is the happening language. If you compare contemporary writing in local newspapers and magazines and the words and expressions of most non US TV anchors and reporters to what was ten years ago, you will appreciate what I am saying. After I wrote my first book Let’s Speak American English, I took it to an editor of a respected Bangalore newspaper and requested a book review. The gentleman said that he would forward the book to Chennai where such decisions were made. He was very polite but firm in his conviction that British English was good enough for former colonial countries and wondered why an Indian like me was promoting American English! I had to politely remind him that the British left India and several other colonies over 50 years ago and the world was not the same today. Furthermore, the spoken word and the written word are the basis for communication unless everyone wants to communicate in sign language or silent language. Hence the language that is poised to dominate the global village should be given its due. From the global perspective, India has advantage over China due to historic reasons but the Chinese are catching up by emphasizing American English.

Man is indeed a social animal. But what distinguishes him from the animal within him are social skills – Social skills such as caring and courtesy to fellow human beings, civic sense, manners and etiquette and so forth. These skills are covered.

The next section talks about Business and Career Skills. The importance of this topic hardly needs introduction or emphasis.

As this book is specially addressed to Business Executives who should be familiar not only with business terminology but also legal terminology to understand the meanings of words used in the American context.

The final part is called Executive Survival skills.

With the rapid pace of globalization the whole world will soon be an integrated market place with waning influence of local cultures. At the end I foresee only 2 or 3 major cultural influences dominating the business world, American being one of them and Islamic being the second and the third one, yet to emerge. Peoples of the world irrespective of their race, religion or color have the same hopes and aspirations for a better standard of living for themselves and more so for their progeny. Consumerism will continue to be a dominant force in the foreseeable future. This would create increased competition between local and global interests and only the fittest would survive. This applies not only to corporate entities but also to business persons.

In this environment of heightened expectations Superior Customer Service and Win- Win negotiation skills assume paramount importance. Time pressures would mount. Stress would naturally follow. Only those executives who are equipped to cope with all this may be expected to thrive in the business world. Hundreds of books have been written on these subjects and hundreds of seminars are conducted all over the world. The essence is distilled here and presented under:

7 Tips for Superior Customer Service

7 Tips for Win-Win Negotiations.

7 Tips for Time Management and

7 Tips for Stress Management

As before, feedback from discerning readers for continuous improvement to the contents would be gratefully appreciated.

Let's Master American Soft Skills

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