Читать книгу Flipping Houses For Dummies - Ralph R. Roberts - Страница 35

Surveying Different Strategies


When developing a game plan, you try to maximize your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and fully exploit the opportunities that surround you. Many flippers have already developed their own strategies that achieve these three goals. By becoming more aware of these existing strategies, you can choose the one that fits you best and perhaps even improvise to develop your own, unique strategy.

In the following sections, I reveal house flipping strategies that many flippers practice with varying levels of success.

Always buy low. If you can’t get a house for at least 20 percent less than what you estimate it will cost to buy, repair, hold, and sell it, keep looking. Chapter 11 explains how to calculate the maximum purchase price to improve your chances of earning a decent profit.

Flipping Houses For Dummies

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